Thursday, August 1, 2024

PT-3 "The acquiescence of the Governor" (Matt. 27:24-26)




My Worship Time                                             Focus: PT-3 “The Acquiescence of the Governor”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 27:24-26


            Message of the verses:  24 When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this Man’s blood; see to that yourselves." 25 And all the people said, "His blood shall be on us and on our children!"26 Then he released Barabbas for them; but after having Jesus scourged, he handed Him over to be crucified.”


            MacArthur writes “The multitude of perhaps several thousand Jews who stood outside the Praetorium made their verdict in behalf of all Israel.  It was that verdict, acknowledged by all the other unbelieving Jews through their silence that caused the branch of Israel to be broken off the tree of God’s redemptive blessing (Rom. 11:17).  It is no wonder that since that fearful day, as a nation and as individuals, unredeemed Jews have been under the chastening hand of God.


            “At the end of Jesus’ second hearing before Pilate, the governor’s intent had been to ‘punish Him and release Him’ (Luke 23:16).  The Jews would not settle for mere punishment no matter how severe.  They insisted on death.  Therefore, after he released Barabbas according to the wishes of the crowd, Pilate had Jesus scourged and delivered…to be crucified.


            “The whip used for scourging had a short wooden handle, to the end of which were attached several leather thongs.  Each thong was tipped with very sharp pieces of metal or bone.  The man to be scourged was tied to a post by the wrists high over his head, with his feet dangling and his body faught.  Often there  were two scourgers, one on either side of the victim, who took turns lashing him across the back.  Muscles were lacerated, veins and arteries were torn open, and it was not uncommon for the kidneys, spleen, or other organs to be exposed and slashed.  As would be expected, many men died of scourging before they could be taken out for execution.  We do not know the full extent of Jesus’ wounds, but He was so weakened by them that He was not able to carry His own cross (Mark 15:21).


            “Despite the accusatory verbiage of the tragic night, it was not really Jesus who was on trial, but the rest of the world.  “The Jewish religionists condemned themselves as they viciously demanded His crucifixion along with their leaders.  Herod condemned himself as he mocked the King of kings.  Pilate condemned himself as he willingly allowed an innocent man to be put to death, choosing the world above the Son of God.


            “And through that ridicule, scorn, and blood, the sinless Son of God was still further exalted.” 


            I have to say that this was not pleasant to write, however it was necessary for Christ to die to take away my sins, and for that I am thankful, and I praise my Savior and Lord!!


8/1/2024 8:54 AM

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