Thursday, September 19, 2024

PT-6 "Joseph of Arimathea" (Matt. 27:57-60)




My Worship Time                                                                  Focus:  PT-6 “Joseph of Arimathea”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 27:57-60


            Message of the verses:  “And when it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus.  This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.  Then Pilate ordered it to be given over to him.  And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb and went away.”


            People who were crucified by the Romans were done so because it was a serious consequence to oppose them and so there were times when a family member of the crucified would come to Roman officials and ask for the body of their loved one and sometimes Rome would refuse, and sometimes they would grant it to them for burial.


            Now we come to the case of Jesus and here is something that I have never thought about before and that is the fact that Joseph of Arimathea was a part of the Sanhedrin and so this was probably the reason that Pilate gave the body of Jesus to him.  Pilate, as mentioned in earlier SD’s was in trouble with Rome and the Jewish leaders could have caused a lot more trouble for him and so when a member of the Sanhedrin came asking for the body of Jesus he gave it to him.  The truth is that Joseph of Arimathea was a secret follower of Jesus and was acting not on behalf of the Sanhedrin but because of his love for the Savior.


            MacArthur writes that “Joseph probably came to Pilate with little hope of receiving the body, and there are many reasons why his request might not have been granted.  He certainly did not expect Jesus to rise from the dead or else he would not have given such careful attention to the body’s preparation and permanent interment.  Yet his great love for Jesus led him to face the wrath of his fellow Council members and friends as well as the wrath of Pilate in order to offer this last gesture of respect to Christ.


            “The Lord had sovereignly caused the Jewish leaders to do their part in demanding that the bodies be taken down from the crosses before the end of the day.  He had caused Pilate to grant that permission, caused Joseph’s request for the body, and caused Pilate’s permission once again before Friday evening ended.  None of those people realized they were fulfilling prophecy.  As far as his own motives and understanding were concerned, even the godly Joseph did what he did for personal reasons.  It seemed only right that this innocent Man in whom he had placed his faith have a respectable burial.  There is no indication Joseph was even aware he was doing God’s will, much less fulfilling God’s Word.”


            I suppose that is the truth for all who have fulfilled prophecy as seen in the Word of God.  Think for a moment of Judas and how he was fulfilling prophecy, for he certainly did not do what he did just to fulfill prophecy, he did what he did because he was disappointed in Jesus, disappointed that he would not become rich and powerful as a result of following Jesus.  There will come a time, and in my opinion that there will come a ruler who will rule over the whole earth, and there very powerful people who have been planning this for a long time, and not to really get into politics, but there is one man who is preventing this from happening at this time and there have been three times that assignations have failed on him.  God’s timing of this end time for having this one world government and one world leader will happen and not before.  My wife told me the other day that last Sunday evening she could not sleep and so she began to pray for Donald Trump’s safety and then later on that morning we learned of this attempt on his life.  I am thankful that the Lord woke her up so she could pray for him.


            Ok that will be enough of talking about this sort of thing, but as mentioned this one world government headed by what the Bible calls the Antichrist seems to be very close, and that means that the rapture of the church is also very close, so be sure to understand how you can be involved in the rapture of the church so that when it happens you will be taken directly to be with the Lord in the air and then taken directly to heaven.  No space ships are needed, just the power of the Lord to accomplish this.


            Looks like one more SD on the subject of Joseph of Arimathea, and then we can move on to looking at “Two Marys.”


9/19/2024 8:16 AM



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