My Worship Time Focus:
PT-2 “Sin Is Incompatible with the Law
of God”
Bible Reading & Meditation Reference: 1 John 3:4
Message of the verse: “Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.”
I want to pick up where I left off in yesterdays
evening SD. We are talking about sin
that happens to believers but as the title of this section is called that “Sin
in Incompatible with the Law of God.” “It
is clear, then that believers will not habitually violate the law of God,”
writes John MacArthur. “Whereas they
formerly allowed lawlessness to dominate their lives, they now love God and
desire to submit to Him. Obedience to
the Word becomes precious to them, as it was to David:
“7 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The
testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the
LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure,
enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The
judgments of the LORD are true; they are righteous altogether. 10 They are more
desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the
drippings of the honeycomb. 11 Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping
them there is great reward” (Psalm 19:7-11).
I have to say that this section was shorter
than what I thought it would be and so what I am going to do is to give a preview
of what we will be looking at in the next Evening SD.
The name of that section is “Sin Is
Incompatible With The Work of Christ” and it covers verses three-eight which I
will now quote and then we will begin to look at them in the next SD.
“5 You know that He appeared in order to take away sins;
and in Him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins
has seen Him or knows Him. 7 Little children, make sure no one deceives you;
the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; 8 the one who practices sin is of the devil; for
the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this
purpose, to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:5-8).
1/7/2025 11:31 PM
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