Friday, January 10, 2025

PT-7 "The Teacher" (2 Timothy 2:2)




My Worship Time                                                                                Focus:  PT-7 “The Teacher”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                     Reference:  2 Timothy 2:2


            Message of the verse:  The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.


            This is the seventh SD that we have been talking about teachers, and teachers are very important when it comes to the Word of God.  Let us take a trip back in time, even before the OT was written, and that means before Moses began to write the OT.  We can see that God always had a witness to tell others what He was going to do, to tell people how they can have a relationship with Him.  This happened right from the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned and it went all the way through the time before the flood as Noah was a person of God who told the people what was going to happen, and to repent and come to know the Lord, but no one listened.  God destroyed the world through the flood with only eight people left to begin to repopulate the earth.  Next we see the call of Abram who would later be named Abraham and so he would begin the people of Israel and from there God had a witness to tell others about their need for a Savior.  Moses wrote about this in Exodus 19:6 “and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel.’”  It was not just the priests and prophets, but all the people, were “entrusted with the oracles of God” (Rom. 3:2).  MacArthur writes about this as he states “They were to be a nation of God’s intermediaries and witnesses to the pagan, Gentile world.  Centuries before Christ gave the Great Commission to His disciples to ‘go therefore and make disciples of all the nations’ (Matt. 28:19), God had given a similar commission to His chosen people Israel.  Sadly, it was a commission they had failed to heed and fulfill, and by the time of our Lord, the leadership of Israel was apostate and satanic (cf. John 8:44).”  “"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”


            Now remember the story that MacArthur gave about the relay race that he ran where the third person in the race just stopped running because he did not feel like running, well he now writes “The third lap in the relay is for spiritually mature leaders, or faithful men, who themselves have been carefully trained, to teach others who show promise.  This is just the start of the continuous process of spiritual reproduction, of being taught and of teaching, that is to continue until our Lord returns.”


            What about just normal everyday true believers, what is their job to do?  Well a similar process should involve all believers, that is just normal everyday true believers, as all believers have particular spiritual gifts to be used for the cause of Christ.  Now in the church that I go to, because it is a Baptist church, and ours has been around since before the civil war,  we have deacons and other types of church they could be called elders, but these deacons or elders “who work hard at preaching and teaching” (1 Tim. 5:17).  Now to explain in our Baptist church there are some of the deacons who are either former Pastors or are Pastors at this time and they do preach and teach at certain times.  Some of them teach Sunday school classes but all are active in what is going on in the church.  In my Sunday school class I have a deacon who begins our class by reading one of the devotions that I copy that come from a book by John MacArthur, and then he will take prayer requests and pray for those requests.  In our class is also a couple of retired Pastors, one who worked for Baptist Mid Missions, and one who was the president of that organization.  It is a very small class but with talented people in the class.  In our church we have parents who help out in Sunday school classes for younger people and also for the youth, those up to eighteen years old.  We have parents and others who help out in the nursery, and even my 18 year old grandson works there once a month along with my daughter and he husband.  MacArthur writes “Every Christian has such a responsibility for any brother or sister in Christ whom he has opportunity to disciple even briefly.”


            He concludes this rather long section by writing “In a still wider sense, every believer has a responsibility to teach God’s truth to any other believer, even one who is older and more mature in the faith. Pastors can learn from othe church members, parents can learn from their children, teachers can learn from their students, wives can learn from their husbands, husbands can learn from their wives, and friends can learn from friends.”


            I think to sum this up it is important that every true born-again believer be ready to tell others the truth of the Gospel and be ready to at least help them to grow in their faith so that one day they can do the very same thing and that is how it has been especially throughout the church age.


Spiritual meaning for my life today:  One of the reasons that I write Spiritual Diaries and put them onto my blogs and also onto my FB story is to fulfill what the Lord said to His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’”  I can only put what I learn onto my blogs and make sure that what I write is true, and the leave it up to the Holy Spirit of God to use it in the way that He desires to use it.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  Each day after posting my Spiritual Diaries I has the Lord to bless what I have written and be blessed by what I have written, and then there are some five prayer request that I have after that.

1.     I ask that the Holy Spirit use what I have written to open the eyes of some who read the Spiritual Diaries to those whom He has called and Jesus died for.

2.     I ask that the Holy Spirit cause believers to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3.     I ask that the Holy Spirit will bring revival to myself and to those who read these Spiritual Diaries.

4.     I ask that the Holy Spirit will continue to send these Spiritual Diaries around the world.

5.     I then ask that if is in the will of the Lord that the very last person in the Church age after reading one of these Spiritual Diaries to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior so that the rapture will take place.


1/10/2025 10:44 AM    


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