Sunday, January 26, 2025

PT-3 "Gratitude For God's Grace" (1 John 3:19-20)




My Worship Time                                                         Focus:  PT-3 “Gratitude For God’s Grace”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  1 John 3:19-20


            Message of the verses:  19 We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him 20 in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.”


            We have been talking about the security of salvation from this section, but the apostle John understood that at times true believers can struggle with their assurance.  Now let me just say something that is going on with the church where John MacArthur is the head Pastor.  I listen to MacArthur’s sermons on an apt that has all of his sermons on it, and at the end of each sermon there is an announcer who says that “Grace To You” website will give a booklet on the security of salvation.  It is free if you contact Grace To You.  That seems to go along with what we are looking at from 1 John at this time and so I thought that I would mention it for anyone who wants to contact them.  Now one thing they do say that this good in North America and Europe so anyone outside those areas would not be able to receive it. 


            Some of John’s readers may have been so overwhelmed by the memory of their past sins and awareness of present ones that they found the thought of God’s forgiveness nearly impossible to accept.  While working at my main job in the Cleveland Casting Plant run by Ford Motor company when the opportunity came up I would witness to some of my co-workers about being saved.  One man who had a very difficult history from WWII told me that there is no way that he could be saved because of all the bad things that he did.  There was no talking to him because he thought he could never be saved. Now back to comments on these verses by John MacArthur:  “Their overactive consciences, beleaguering them with their own short comings, perhaps made it difficult for them to have a settled confidence in their right standing before God.  So John wrote to encourage those believers and enable them to accurately evaluate their own spiritual condition.  In so doing, he sought to solidify their conviction, rightly inform their conscience, and strengthen their assurance with a true understand of their transformation and its evidences.”  John MacArthur has written a book that goes along with what he was writing about entitled The Vanishing Conscience.


            “The phrase we will know translates a form of the common Greek verb ginosko, which means ‘to know’ ‘to learn,’ ‘to find out,’ or ‘to realize.’  John’s use of the future tense indicates that what his readers would eventually grasp was not something intuitive or indefinite, but a promise based on an existing reality.  This point is strengthened by the next short phrase by this, which most naturally refers back to verse 18’s admonition for brotherly love, When believers know they are of the truth (the phrase literally reads, ‘out of the truth we exist’).  Only those who have been genuinely converted through the supernatural work of God possess the sacrificial love that John describes in verses 14-18, which issues in the submissive obedience that John delineates in verses 4-12).


            “The truth in view here is the written truth of Scripture (Ps. 119:160; John 17:17), which encompasses the truth incarnate in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:9, 14; 7:18; 14:6; 1 John 5:20).  Belief in the truth marks all who repent and believe (2 Thess. 2:10, 12-13; 1 Tim. 3:15b).”


            I believe that I will be able to complete this section tomorrow evening.


1/26/2025 11:00 PM


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