Saturday, February 15, 2025

PT-1 "False Teaching Brings Shame on the Teachers" (2 Timothy 2:15)




My Worship Time                         Focus:  PT-1 “False Teaching Brings Shame on the Teachers”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                   Reference:  2 Timothy 2:15


            Message of the verse:  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”


            We begin this morning to look at Paul’s second warning about false teaching which is by means of contrast as seen in 2 Timothy 2:15.  “Contrary to such preventers of God’s truth as those mentioned by Peter, Timothy was to be diligent to present [himself] approved to God.”


            Now if you read the KJV of the Bible this verse is translated “Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  Perhaps this is how you remember this verse, but now I want to quote from MacArthur’s commentary to see why he likes the NASB in how it is translated. 


            Spoudazo (to be diligent) carries the idea of having zealous persistence to accomplish a particular objective.  The diligent believer-in this context, the diligent teacher-gives maximum effort to impart God’s truth as completely, as clearly, and as unambiguously as possible.  He gives unreserved commitment to excellence in examining, interpreting, explaining, and applying God’s Word.  It is for that reason that ‘elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching’ (1 Timothy 5:17).”


            Now you have probably noticed that I have named by blog “2 Timothy 2:15” and what is written above is why I named it that as I make every effort to write things on my blogs that are approved unto God, and that is why I have so many quotes on my Spiritual Diaries from people that I have the upmost respect in their understanding of the Word of God. I count it a privilege to study the Word of God with help from John MacArthur’s commentaries and sermons along with the late Dr. Warren Wiersbe as when I was studying the Old Testament for many hears I would get help from Dr. Wiersbe’s “Be” books as I have the entire collection in my library.  I have great respect also for my former Pastor who is now with the Lord Dr. Jack Jacobs, along with another former Pastor Dr. Patrick Odle who is now the president of Baptist Mid Missions.  There are two people who are in my small Sunday school class who I also respect and learn from, Dr. Gary Anderson, and Dr. Glen Rohrabach, and then there are others who I have listened to on the radio or on TV that I have great respect for.  I desire to do exactly what 2 Timothy says as I write my Spiritual Diaries each day Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”


            John MacArthur writes the following, something that certainly goes along with my goal in writing my Spiritual Diaries “The purpose of that diligence is not to please others, and certainly not to please oneself, but to present yourself approved to God.  Paristemi (to present yourself) literally means to stand alongside of.  The idea in this passage is that of standing alongside of or before God, of presenting oneself for inspection, as it were, in order to be approved by Him.  Dokimos (approved) refers to favorably passing careful scrutiny and thereby being counted worthy.”


            It looks like it will take a few days in order to get through this section as I my Spiritual Diaries are usually shorter on both Saturday and Sunday.  Now to those who read my Spiritual Diaries I have a prayer request, something that I hardly ever do.  My wife is having surgery a week from this coming Tuesday and needless to say we both covet your prayers.  Her name is Sandy and I know that she especially would be thankful that you bring her before the Lord in prayer.


Spiritual Meaning for My Life Today:  It is my desire to continue in my quest to study the Word of God each day.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  I desire to trust the Lord to give my wife and I peace, peace that passes all understanding as we approach the day of her surgery.


2/15/2025 10:38 AM


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