SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 2/28/2025 10:17 AM
My Worship Time Focus:
PT-3 “The Illustration”
Bible Reading & Meditation Reference:
2 Timothy 2:20
Message of the
verse: “Now
in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels
of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor.”
I want to begin this last section from 2 Timothy 2:20 by
writing about the fact that there were some Ephesian leaders, and this included
Timothy who were becoming discouraged and apathetic. Now part of the problem was their apparent
intimidation by false teachers and one could say that Alexander, Hymenaeus and also
Philetus, men that Paul mentioned in 1 Timothy 1:20 and also 2 Timothy
2:17. Now because Paul repeats many of
his strong admonitions to Timothy and the other leaders in Ephesus, the serious
problems he sought to correct must have been ongoing or perhaps recurring.
MacArthur writes “And because this letter is addressed to
Timothy, the foremost overseer, or elder, and apostolic legate in the church at
Ephesus, Paul’s admonitions in 2:20-26 seem directed first of all to leaders in
that church. That interpretation is
supported by the reference to ‘the Lord’s bond-servant’ (v. 24), which, in this
context, probably is used as an official term referring to overseers. In addition, the characteristics mentioned in
verses 24-25 correspond to several qualifications for that office listed in 1
Timothy 3:2-3 and Titus 1:5-9.
“In verses 21-27, Paul sets forth nine characteristics
that mark the faithful, godly believer who is the vessel of honor. He will have a cleansed life (v. 21a), a
sanctified soul (v. 21b), be useful to God (v. 21c), be prepared for service
(v. 21d), have a pure heart (v. 22), and have a discerning mind (v. 23), a
gentle manner (v. 24), a humble spirit (v. 25a) and a compassionate attitude
(vv. 25b-26).”
Looks like as we continue looking at these verses and go
over these nine characteristics that we will have some challenges in our walk
with the Lord, but I know that the Holy Spirit and the Word will certainly aid
us in living the Christian life as we go over these characteristics.
Spiritual meaning for my life today: I look forward to look at these nine characteristics
that mark the faithful, godly believer who is the vessel of honor.
My Steps of Faith for Today: Trust the
Lord to be with me as I serve Him today, that my life will bring honor and
glory to the Lord.
2/28/2025 10:37 AM
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