Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Second Trumpet Judgment (Rev. 8:8-9)


My Worship Time                                                                              Focus:  The Second Trumpet

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Revelation 8:8-9

            Message of the verses:  “8 The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, 9  and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.”

            I want to first of all quote something that I wrote on June 14, 2005 on these two verses which speak of the second trumpet judgment:  “This second trumpet judgment is another judgment that is on the earth, while the latter judgments have demons involved with them.  I have heard different things to help describe this judgment, such as the burning mountain that was thrown into the sea could be a missile with a cobalt bomb on it that would cause the sea to turn red from the cobalt such as seen in “red” tides.  It could also be a meteor that comes from outer space.  At any rate God is in charge of sending these judgments to His earth and this one will be very bad as it will cause a third of the sea to turn to blood, or at least red, and a third of all marine life to die and a third of all ships to be destroyed, and this will have a devastation effect upon those who live on planet earth.”  I have mentioned that it was the end time prophecies that the Lord used to bring me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and that I read and listened to Hal Lindsey in my early years of being a believer.  One of the things that he taught from the book of Revelation was that man is perfectly capable to destroy this planet because of the technology that he has and so he would go through these judgments and write possibilities of how man could be used by God to fulfill these judgments.  He quoted Re 11:18 “And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.”  As I stated in our last SD many people have different ideas on how God will bring about these judgments, but the main thing to remember is that God is in charge and that He will fulfill these judgments as He sees fit, but again it is interesting to listen to different people as they describe how they think that these judgments will be fulfilled by God.  Another thing to remember is that John was writing this around 96 AD and therefore was using language from that time period to try and describe what he was seeing and if he actually did see a missile fall into the sea he would describe it in first century language.  We can’t neglect why all of these judgments are happening as we study Revelation and not get so caught up in how they are going to happen.  God will take back planet earth from evil men and from Satan and his demons and it will be accomplished through these judgments and at the end of these judgments Jesus Christ will return to take over Planet Earth and Satan will be in the lake of fire along with all of the evil men of that time and Christ will rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years as we will learn, but even that is not the end of the book as we will see later on as we continue to study it.

               Notice the words from verse eight “something like” as John describes what this second trumpet entails, as he again uses a simile.  Now we saw the first trumpet fall on the earth while this one falls on the oceans.  If I am not mistaken the Atlantic Ocean is about one third of the oceans, so it is possible that this happens there.  The oceans were given to mankind as a blessing from God and they provide many things for man such as food and oxygen as much of the oxygen comes from the phytoplankton and algae that are in the seas.  Rain comes many times from the sea as water evaporates from the ocean and then is transported by winds to land, so the oceans are very important to man, and this judgment is on one third of the ocean waters.  John MacArthur writes “But people have repaid God’s gracious provision with ingratitude and idolatry, revering the sea as the supposed source of their remotest evolutionary ancestors.  As He devastated the land environment, the true God judges the sea.” 

            The view that John MacArthur has is as follows:  “This is evidently a giant meteorite or asteroid, surrounded by flaming gases set ablaze by the friction of the earth’s atmosphere, on a collision course with the earth.”  If what he speculates happens then this will be like one of the movies that I have seen as mankind watches from afar as the meteorite or asteroid heads toward earth and they can do nothing about it.  Of course this will happen and many people and creatures will die because of this judgment. 

            The red color of the sea could come from cobalt as suggested for after all a red tide comes from cobalt, and or, it could come from the dying animals in it as their blood turns the ocean red.  God did turn the Nile River red as one of the judgments against Egypt so there is no reason to believe that this kind of thing could not happen again.  Another thing this judgment will effect is that a third of the ships on the oceans will be destroyed and perhaps this will come from the giant waves that will happen because of whatever it was that falls into the seas. 

            MacArthur finishes this section on this second trumpet judgment by writing “So the first two trumpets will bring devastating judgment on both the land and the sea, which are the beginning of the final catastrophes God will unleash on the sinful, rebellious world.”

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  It is hard to fathom all the devastation that this earth and the people who live on it will have to endure.  One of the reasons that I write these Spiritual Diaries and post them onto the internet is so people can read about these things that are soon to come and realize that they do not have to go through them.  They need a ticket to leave planet earth before these events begin to happen and the price of that ticket has been paid for by our Lord Jesus Christ who died for the sins of mankind and all one has to do is accept the exchange that He has for them.  “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him 2 Cor. 5:21).”  It’s a matter of believing faith to receive this gift of salvation and be assured if the Rapture happened today they would not be here for the events we are studying about.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  To love the Lord with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to better understand and live in the love He has for me.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Bilhah” (Genesis 35:25).

Today’s Bible question:  As a physician, what particular ministry of Christ does Luke give special prominence?”

Answer in our next SD.

4/22/2015 9:55 AM   


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