Tuesday, November 15, 2016

PT-1 "Dishonoring God" (Mal. 1:6-14)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 11/15/2016 10:23 PM

My Worship Time                                                          Focus:  PT-2 “Dishonoring God’s Name”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Malachi 1:6-2:9

            Message of the verses:  This is going to be a very long section and so what I want to do with it is to just put the Scriptures out as they are used in the commentary, and not put all of them out at once.

            We see Malachi in this section direct much of his message to the priests, the ones who were suppose to teach the law were the ones who were not obeying the law.  This section (1:6-2:9 has the phrase “My Name” in it eight times, and this speaks about the name of the Lord.  And the priest who were the ones who were suppose to honoring God’s name are the ones bringing dishonor to His name before the people and of course the Lord was dishonored too. Dr. Wiersbe writes “The priests were suppose to be God’s children, yet they weren’t honoring their Father; they were called to be God’s servants, yet they showed no respect for their Master.  When Malachi confronted them, the priests arrogantly asked, ‘In what way have we despised Your name?’ (Mal. 1:6 NIV).”

            Now we must look at how they were dishonoring God’s name and for the first reason we will look at verses 6-14 “6 “’A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?’ says the LORD of hosts to you, O priests who despise My name. But you say, ’How have we despised Your name?’ 7 “You are presenting defiled food upon My altar. But you say, ’How have we defiled You?’ In that you say, ’The table of the LORD is to be despised.’ 8 “But when you present the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you present the lame and sick, is it not evil? Why not offer it to your governor? Would he be pleased with you? Or would he receive you kindly?" says the LORD of hosts. 9 “But now will you not entreat God’s favor, that He may be gracious to us? With such an offering on your part, will He receive any of you kindly?" says the LORD of hosts. 10 “Oh that there were one among you who would shut the gates, that you might not uselessly kindle fire on My altar! I am not pleased with you," says the LORD of hosts, "nor will I accept an offering from you. 11 "For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My name will be great among the nations," says the LORD of hosts. 12 “But you are profaning it, in that you say, ’The table of the Lord is defiled, and as for its fruit, its food is to be despised.’ 13 “You also say, ’My, how tiresome it is!’ And you disdainfully sniff at it," says the LORD of hosts, "and you bring what was taken by robbery and what is lame or sick; so you bring the offering! Should I receive that from your hand?" says the LORD. 14 "But cursed be the swindler who has a male in his flock and vows it, but sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord, for I am a great King," says the LORD of hosts, "and My name is feared among the nations."”

            I have highlighted some phrases which show that God was not pleased with the kind of offerings the people were offering to the Lord, and finally He said not to bring any more offerings to Him.  As seen in these highlighted parts of this section the sacrifices were not what they were suppose to offer, for the priests knew what kind of offering was to be offered for this seen in the books of Exodus and Leviticus which they were suppose to know.  I guess the problem that I have with all of what is going on here is that not long before Malachi wrote this book the people were in captivity in Babylon and then released to come back in order to build the temple and the city of Jerusalem and now they are in a similar way that Israel was that got them put into captivity in the first place. I say this knowing that they were not offering their sacrifices to idols which was their major sin, but they were not following what the Law required for them to offer which was also sinful on their part.

            This section kind of reminds me of what happened in Israel very early after they came into the Promised Land when God called Samuel and Eli and his sons who were also priests were doing similar things, that is bringing disgrace to the priesthood because of their disobedience.  In the case of the priests in Malachi’s time they were allowing the people to bring God less than their best.  God in Malachi’s book tells the people that they could not offer these kind of sacrifices to the governor for he would not accept them, and God is very much higher than the governor. 

            Dr. Wiersbe writes “Our offerings to God are an indication of what’s in our hearts, for ‘where your treasure is, there will your heart be also’ (Matt. 6:21).  People who claim to love the Lord and His work can easily prove it with their checkbooks! Giving is a grace (2 Cor. 8:1, 6-9), and if we’ve experienced the grace of God, we’ll have no problem giving generously to the Lord who has given so much to us. How can we ask God to be gracious to us and answer prayer (Mal. 1:9) if we’ve not practiced ‘grace giving’ ourselves?”

            Malachi tells those disobedient priests that they would be better off by closing the doors and not allow any more deficient sacrifices to be offered to the Lord.  “Better there were no religion at all than a religion that fails to give God the very best.  If our concept of God is so low that we think He’s pleased with cheap halfhearted worship, then we don’t know the God of the Bible.  In fact, a God who encourages us to do less than our best is a God who isn’t worthy of worship.”  (Dr. Wiersbe)

            As we look at verse eleven we see that Malachi writes that the day will come when the Gentiles will worship the Lord in the correct fashion, as he looked ahead to when the Gentiles will be saved, which speaks of the church age.

            Now in verses 13-14 we see that the priests were allowing the people to cheat on their vows that they had made.  They promised one kind of sacrifice and then brought another inferior kind to pay their vow. 

            The answer as to why the priest allowed this kind of disobedience to go on was because they were cheating themselves so they let the cheating go on too.  Another reason was similar to what Eli’s sons were doing and that was the sacrifices given were food for the priests as Dr. Wiersbe writes:  “the priests and their families were fed from the meat off the altar, and the priests wanted to be sure they had food on the table.”

            We will look at more ways that the priests were dishonoring God from chapter two of Malachi in our next SD.

11/15/2016 11:04 PM 


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