Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happiness Is (Matt. 5:1-2)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 3/17/2020 11:28 AM

My Worship Time                                          Focus: “Why Study The Sermon on the Mount”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Matthew 5:1-2

            Message of the verses:  1 And when He saw the multitudes, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. 2 And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying,”           

            I finally got around to listening to John MacArthur’s message on these two verses of Matthew chapter five and I was certainly glade that I did as I learned some things that had been puzzling to me as I was using his commentary on these two verses.  What was the reason that we have been looking at the different sections was the biggest challenge to me and perhaps to those who read these Spiritual Diaries.  As I listened to the sermon what I wanted to know about came towards the end of this sermon and it was kind of the answer that I was looking for on what do these sections in his commentary have to do with the actual sermon on the mount.  I decided to take this SD and quote from his sermon which I hope will bring more light into what we have been learning over these last few days. 

Now, on the basis of that context and that overview I want you to know it’s important to study this.  You see?  Really important.  I believe there are at least five reasons why it’s important.  I’m just going to give them to you real quick.  Number one, because the Sermon on the Mount will show you the absolute necessity of the new birth.  The Sermon on the Mount will show you that you can never please God on your own, in your flesh.  Never.  And as I said at the very beginning, the only people who will know blessedness are the people who know that blessedness insofar as it is an attribute of God and insofar as they are partakers of the divine nature, they can know and experience it.
“Listen, the Sermon on the Mount to me goes way beyond the law of Moses in showing us the need for salvation.  You can’t live one day in a blessed condition apart from the new birth in Jesus Christ.  It is the greatest thing in the New Testament to show man the desperate situation that he’s in without God.
“The second thing:  I think we ought to study the Sermon on the Mount not only because it shows the absolute necessity of the new birth, but because it clearly points to Jesus Christ.  It is perhaps the single greatest insight into the mind of our dear Lord Jesus Christ.  You want to know how he thinks?  Study his sermon.  You want to know where His heart really beats?  Study his sermon.  You want to know what he really feels about living and about the standards for life?  Study the sermon.
“Third thing:  We ought to study the Sermon on the Mount because it’s the only way to happiness for Christians.  If you want to be happy, if you want to be really filled with the Spirit, you don’t go seeking some mystical experience.  You don’t go chasing some elusive dream.  You don’t go popping from meeting to meeting trying to catch it in the air.  If you want to know happiness, and blessedness, and bliss, and joy, and gladness, then you just study the Sermon on the Mount and put it to practice.
“I’ll add another thing.  I think we ought to study it because it’s the best means I know of evangelism.  You say, “What do you mean, evangelism?”  I’ll tell you this.  If we ever live the Sermon on the Mount, it will knock the world over.  It’s the greatest tool of evangelism there is, to live this kind of a life.
“And then lastly, we should study the Sermon on the Mount and live it because it pleases God.  And you know, that’s a privilege, that sinful John MacArthur, just plain old me, like Paul was singing, just ordinary me could please God.  What an incredible thought.  Plenty of reason to study the Sermon on the Mount and plenty of reason to give ourselves to it.”

            Now I want to add to what is quoted here what MacArthur calls this sermon which is “Happiness Is” and as we go through the things that are taught in this greatest of all sermons we must understand first of all that this sermon is for believers as no one can live up to what is taught in this sermon by our Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus is talking to His disciples and all of the rest of the people that were gathered on that hillside by the Sea of Galilee and to be sure there were those who were not believers there.  While they were listening to this sermon perhaps many or at least some of the people were saying that what Jesus was saying I can never live up to, never be able to follow what He is saying here for after all He was bringing thing up which were stricter than what was in the Law of Moses.  For instance the law states you shall not commit adultery and Jesus goes on to say that if you look at a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. 
The question comes in as to why did MacArthur name his sermon “Happiness Is?”  The answer is that a person can be happy by doing what the Lord Jesus Christ states in this sermon which can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit.  I can remember things in my life that I thought if I had that I they would make me happy and once the newness of what I got I found out that in fact they did not make me happy at all.  I believe that is God alone who can give happiness to me and that comes through the Lord Jesus Christ and the satisfaction that I can have by following Him.  Oh yes I will fall as I have always fell, but He is there to pick me up and bring me back to Himself.  As we go through this sermon over the next few months remember that what we will learn from it will truly make us happy.
            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  True happiness can only come from the Lord.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Contentment, humility, and joy from studying and reading the Word of God.
            In our last SD on this section I left out a verse that went along with what we were talking about and so I begin with that verse today which has to do with humility:  “And Paul echoed this truth:  For who regards you as superior?  What do you have that you did not receive?  And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?’  1 Corinthians 4:7.
            “To boast of your gifts is a sin, because God gave them to you and you cannot take credit for them.  But to deny your gifts is also sin.  We must accept our gifts and affirm our gifts to the glory of God.  We must not think more highly of ourselves than we ought, but neither should we think less of ourselves!
            “So when Satan comes with pride to attack your will, surrender immediately to the Holy Spirit and let him work in you to produce humility and submission before God.  Do not attempt to go beyond your gifts or the faith you have to exercise those gifts.  Satan can use spiritual things to make you proud:  your ability to teach or preach the Word; your prayer life; your success in witnessing and soul-winning.
3/17/2020 12:05 PM

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