Saturday, March 21, 2020

PT-2 "The Content" (Matt. 5:2)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 3/21/2020 11:11 AM

My Worship Time                                                                              Focus:  PT-2 “The Content”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 5:2

            Message of the verses:  2 And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying,”

            Now as we ended our last SD we were talking about a new way of thinking and I stated that I wanted to continue that thought and so I will just quote a paragraph from MacArthur to help us better understand more about this new way of thinking:  “Jesus’ new way of living comes from a new way of thinking, and the new way of thinking comes from new life.  Here are God’s standards for those created in His own image and recreated into the image of His own dear Son (Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor. 15:49; 2 Cor. 3:18).  Those who do not follow them as a general direction of life have an unacceptable righteousness (Matt. 5:20).”  “20 “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”  I remember a really long time ago when I was listening to a sermon by Hal Lindsey, and I believe it was his testimony about how the Lord saved him that he mentioned this verse and said that he knew that the scribes and Pharisees were not the best, but he did feel that it would be pretty hard to have a righteousness better than there’s.   Hal Lindsey was saved while a Tug Boat Captain living in New Orleans and his testimony was rather unique and in some ways reminds me of mine, in fact it was his taped messages that I was listening to when I received that effectual call from the Holy Spirit.  Lindsey was saved as he looked at some verses in the third chapter of John’s gospel that he opened up his New Testament too one night after he was almost killed on his boat.

            God is the maker, the Creator of all humans and just like when you buy a new car or something else new and you want to know more about it you trust the manufacturer instructions to find out to operate it.  God knows more about humans than humans know about humans so the best place to find out about humans is in God’s Word, He can best show us what we lack and what we are in need of, and by the way we all need Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord so we can understand what He wants us to do, how to live our lives.

            MacArthur writes “As the Sermon on the Mount itself makes clear, internal changes also bring external changes.  When our attitudes and thinking are right, our actions will fall in line.  F our inner life does not make our outer life better; our inner life is deficient or nonexistent.  ‘Faith without works is useless,’ James says (James 2:20).  Paul tells us that we are ‘created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them’ (Eph. 2:10).”

            David Martyn Lloyd-Jones makes the following point more understandable and that is the true outside life can only be produced from a true inside life.  He makes this point as he compares the Christian life to playing music.  “A person may play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata accurately and without a single mistake—yet not really play what the composer had in mind.  Even though the notes are played correctly, they do not produce the sonata.  The pianist may mechanically strike the right notes at the right time, yet miss the essence, the soul, of the composition.  He may not at all express what Beethoven meant to be expressed.  The true artist must play the right notes at the right time.  He is not exempt from the rules and principles of music.  But accurate playing is not what makes him a great musician.  It is his expression of what lies behind the notes that enthralls his listeners.  In the same way, faithful Christians are concerned about the letter of God’s Word; but beyond that they are also concerned about the spirit, the deeper will and purpose that lie behind the letter.  That concern reveals an obedient heart filled with the desire to glorify the Lord.
            “To claim to follow the spirit without obeying the letter is to be a liar.  To follow the letter without following the spirit is to be a hypocrite.  To follow the spirit in the right attitude and the letter in the right action is to be a faithful child of God and a loyal subject of the King.”

            Yesterday while walking on my treadmill I listened to a sermon by John MacArthur that was an hour long and it was on the third verse of Matthew chapter five.  The title of our next section from MacArthur’s commentary on this third verse is “Happy Are our Humble.”  I suppose that after mentioning that I wanted to learn more about humility for over a year that God is now answering my prayers to which I am thankful.  I also think that this is a lifelong process to learn and to be humble as in one of MacArthur’s later sermons from a year or so ago he mentioned his need for humility. 

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Check out the highlighted paragraph above for what my spiritual meaning is for today.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Since learning humility and also contentment is a lifelong process I desire to continue to be taught and to learn contentment and humility as the Lord teaches me.  I also desire to have joy in my heart as I study the Word of God each day.

3/21/2020 11:55 AM

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