Friday, March 20, 2020

PT-1 "The Content" (Matt. 5:2)


My Worship Time                                                                              Focus:  PT-1 “The Content”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 5:2

            Message of the verses:  “And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying”

            John MacArthur states that when Matthew states that Jesus was opening His mouth that it was not something that we would consider to be obvious, “but was a common colloquialism used to introduce a message that was especially solemn and important.  It was also to indicate intimate, heartfelt testimony or sharing.  Jesus’ sermon was both authoritative and intimate; it was of the upmost importance and was delivered with the upmost concern.”

            Jesus in this sermon was establishing a standard of living that was counter to everything that the world practiced and that they held dear to them.  One who lives by the standards that Jesus speaks of in this sermon was to live a life of blessed happiness.  Jesus gives and utterly new approach to living, which is one that results in joy instead of despair, and in peace instead of conflict which is a peace that the world does not understand and cannot have as seen in John 14:27 and Philippians 4:7.  Jesus sermon gives us a blessedness which is not produced by the world or by circumstances, and this cannot be taken away by the world or by circumstances.  This is not produced externally and cannot be destroyed externally.

            There are some evangelicals who maintain that the Sermon on the Mount only pertains to the kingdom age, which is the Millennium, (the 1000 year period that follows shortly after the Tribulation period, which will follow shortly after the Rapture of the church).  They say this because of what is found in Matthew 5:48 “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.’”  John MacArthur answers this by writing “For several reasons, however, that interpretation cannot be correct.  First of all, the text does not indicate or imply that these teachings are for another age.  Second, Jesus demanded them of people who were not living in the Millennium.  Third, many of the teachings themselves become meaningless if they are applied to the Millennium.  For example, there will be no persecution of believers (see. 5:10-12, 44) during the kingdom age.  Fourth, every principle taught is the Sermon on the Mount is also aught elsewhere in the New Testament in contexts that clearly apply to believers of our present age.  Fifth, there are many New Testament passages that command equally impossible standards, which unglorified human strength cannot continually achieve (see Rom. 13:14; 2 Cor. 7:1; Phil. 1:9-10; Col. 3:1-2; Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 1:15-16).

            “The teachings of the Sermon on the Mount are for believers today, marking the distinctive lifestyle that should characterize the direction, if not the perfection, of the lives of Christians of every age.  Unfortunately, those standards do not always characterize Christians.  The world’s standards and objectives too often have engulfed believers and conformed them to its own image, squeezed them into its own mold (Rom. 12:2, Phillips).”

            So how do we, as believers follow what is taught in the Sermon on the Mount?  Let us first of all go back to what Paul writes in Romans 12:1-2 to help us out with this answer:  1  WITH eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. 2 Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-make you so that your whole attitude of mind is changed. Thus you will prove in practice that the will of God is good, acceptable to him and perfect” (Phillips).  I have used the Phillips paraphrased version of the New Testament to help us better understand what we are to do.  First of all we are to give ourselves to the Lord, and even though this is a one-time thing to do it is good to remind yourself to do this each day, something we learned from the quotations that we made from Dr. Warren Wiersbe’s book “The Strategy of Satan.”  Next as verse two says we are to have a new way of thinking, we are to let the Word of God, as we read, study, and meditate on change our minds and in the case of our verses from Matthew this is a good place to begin as we continue to study the Sermon on the Mount we need to have our minds changed by what Jesus teaches.  We live in a world that has been changed by a virus over the last few months and as believers if we understand God’s Word we will know that He is still on the throne and we are to live our lives by practicing what the Word of God teaches, things like are in the Sermon on the Mount.  God has allowed this to happen and perhaps one of the reasons is that we can see how soon that the whole world has changed in a very short amount of time.  As I think about this in reference to a couple of phone calls I very recently had both people stated that when we look at the things that will happen at the beginning of the book of Revelation that they all happen very fast and so this could be a picture of how things change very fast.  If it were not for our technology it would not happen fast, but we have the technology to have it happen fast.  Bottom line is for believers to understand that God is in control and to trust Him even though times are tough, and to use this time to tell others the good news of the gospel.

            Lord willing we will talk more about a new way of thinking in our SD for tomorrow.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I certainly desire to have the Lord continue to change my mind from any worldly things to what is true that are found in His Word.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Learn more about contentment, humility and have joy as I study His Word.

3/20/2020 10:23 AM

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