Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Importance (Matt. 5:1-2)


My Worship Time                                                                                   Focus:  “The Setting”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  Matthew 5:1

            Message of the verses:  1 And when He saw the multitudes, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him.”

            We move from the importance of the Sermon on the Mount which we looked at yesterday to a new Main section in John MacArthur’s commentary.  I think that I will quote this brief introduction to this section from MacArthur’s commentary and then we will look at the first sub-point under this main point today and then move on with perhaps two more sub-points in our next SD tomorrow, Lord willing. 
            “Jesus was always concerned for ‘the multitudes,’ for whom He had great compassion—whether they ‘distressed and downcast’ (Matt. 9:36), sick (14:14; cf. 4:23), hungry (15:32), or in any other need.  Whether the people were physically ill or healthy, emotionally stable or demon-possessed, financially poor or rich, politically oppressed or powerful, religiously insignificant or influential, intellectually ignorant or educated, Jesus had compassion on them.  Jesus attracted to all strata of people because He loved them all.

            “Everything Jesus said on this occasion was spoken publicly, to ‘the multitudes’ (cf. 7:28-29).  His intention was to drive them to recognition of their sin, and thus to the need of a Savior, which He had come to be.  Until they believed in Him, the demands of the sermon could only show them how terribly far they were from meeting God’s standards.  The masterful evangelistic sermon is designed to confront men with their desperate condition of sinfulness.”

            We now move onto the first sub-section “The Preacher” as we move on through this section.

            It is no secret that it was Jesus who was the preacher as He was the One who “saw the multitudes” and then it was He who “went up to the mountain; and” there He sat down.”  This was God’s own Son who delivered the sermon.  Jesus Christ, the greatest Preacher who ever lived preached the greatest sermon every preached, and after He had concluded we read “The multitudes were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes” (7:28-29).  Jesus quoted no sources, not ancient rabbis, or any reserved tradition.  Jesus spoke what He spoke because of who He was and therefore He did not need to quote from some Rabbi or other person for He had the authority to do what He did as He preached this sermon after all it was Jesus who created everything including man and so just as the people said He spoke with authority.

            MacArthur states “The Sermon on the Mount is the supreme model of good preaching, a homiletical masterpiece. It beautifully and powerfully flows from the introduction (5:3-12) to the first point (the citizens of the kingdom, 5:13-16), to the second point (the righteousness of the kingdom, 5:17-7:12), to the third point (the exhortation to enter the kingdom, 7:13-27), and to the conclusion (the effect of the sermon on its hearers, 7:28-29).  The transitions from point to point are clear and unmistakable.”

            As we think of the timeline of this sermon we can compare it with the prophet Ezekiel for at the beginning of his book he states that the Lord was not going to let him speak to the multitudes for they were a rebellious house, and then we read in 33:22 the following “Now the hand of the Lord had been upon me in the evening, before the refugees came.  And He opened my mouth and at the time they came to me in the morning; so my mouth was opened, and I was no longer speechless.”  Jesus did not display His truth, His wisdom, and His power until it was time in God’s sovereign will for Him to do so.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Perhaps that is the case for me as a believer as I must wait for God’s timing to do the things that He has planned for me to do in eternity past as seen in Ephesians 2:10, and perhaps the beginning of my blog writing days which began on the 3rd of July of 2010 was God’s timing for me to begin.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust the Lord to give me continued insight on humility, and give me joy in studying His Word each day.

            We will now look at the last quotation from “The strategy of Satan,”  as this next quotation will complete the chapter I was quoting from.

“The story may be apocryphal, but it illustrates the point.  A famous Christian businessman was visiting a church and was asked to give a word of greeting.  He got carried away telling all that God had done for Him.  ‘I have a successful business, a large house, a lovely family, a famous name, and enough money to do the things I want to do and be able to give to Christian works.  I have health and opportunities unnumbered.  There are many people who would greatly exchange places with me.  What more could God give me?’  From the back of the auditorium a voice called, ‘A good dose of humility!’”

Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.  James 4:10

3/18/2020 10:30 AM

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