Wednesday, August 31, 2022

PT-2 "The Confession" (Matt. 16:16)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 8/31/2022 10:14 AM


My Worship Time                                                                          Focus:  PT-2 “The Confession”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 16:16


            Message of the verse:  16 And Simon Peter answered and said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."


            Now it seems to me that the truth of Jesus’ divinity and messiahship was established in the minds of the disciples beyond question.  Just like people who are believers today the disciples will experience times of weakness and confusion about what Jesus said and did, but they will no longer doubt who He truly is, God’s Son, their Messiah and their Lord. 


            As we look at the timing of this confession we can see that it took two and a half years for it to come about, as this came through the struggles and also the hatred of the Jewish leaders, leaders that the disciples had to have their mind’s changed about as they never use to have any problems with them, but once we look into the book of Acts we will see that the same trouble that Jesus had with them they too will have with them.  On my other blog I am putting my Spiritual Diaries from the book of Acts and am now in the second chapter in posting them one per day. 


            Once again we see Peter as the spokesman for the Twelve, and so it is believed that he was speaking for all of them in confessing Jesus as their Messiah.  They finally figure it out, and may I say that I believe that the Holy Spirit of God was a big part of this day working in the hearts of the Twelve even though at this time they would not have been baptized with the Spirit as this would not happen until the day of Pentecost as seen in Acts chapter two.


            We have mentioned the place where all of this took place where the Greek god Pan was worshiped there at Caesarea Philippi.  Now the Twelve were worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, the One who is the creator of the earth. 


            MacArthur concludes this section:  “As evidenced by numerous things the Twelve later said and did, they did not at this time have a full comprehension of the Trinity or even of the full nature and work of Christ.  But they knew Jesus was truly the Christ and that He was truly divine, the Son of the living God.  Son reflects the idea of oneness in essence because the son is one in nature with his father.  So Jesus Christ was on in nature with God the Father (cf. John 5:17-18; 10:30-33).


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  It was way back in January of 1974 that I became a believer in Jesus Christ and it took me a fairly long time in understanding who He truly is, as I took the time to learn as I studied the Word of God.  Times were confusion for me in certain areas of who Jesus truly was but God was and is patience with me as there are still things that, when it comes with my walk with the Lord that I struggle with.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  I trust that the Lord will open my eyes to some of the struggles and continue to be patient with me in my walk with the Lord.  I trust that He will continue to keep me filled with His Spirit as I walk with Him each day.


8/31/2022 10:43 AM


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