Wednesday, June 7, 2023

"The Element of Perplexity" (Matt. 21:10-11)




My Worship Time                                                                  Focus:  “The Element of Perplexity”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 21:10-11


            Message of the verses:  10 And when He had entered Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying, "Who is this?" 11 And the multitudes were saying, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth in Galilee.’”


            In today’s SD we come to the end of the section of Scripture from Matthew 21 that we actually began on May 27th, and it is my hope to finish this section which has been on the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem about a week before He would go to the cross and die for our sins.


            In the account of Jesus’ entry by Matthew, closes with an element of perplexity.  After the great shouts of acclamation had somewhat subsided and Jesus had entered Jerusalem, the residents of the city began to ask the question "Who is this?" Matthew tells us that the best response the multitude of celebrants could give was, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth in Galilee.’”  I think that a lot of the people who were attending the coronation certainly did not realize that this is what it was, but God did.  It seems that they just go caught up in the moment, not realizing why this was going on.  It appears that many of them who had been shouting so vociferously just did not know what was going on.  They had just proclaimed Jesus, the Son of David as the Messiah, and now we see that many of them did not know who He was at all and had to ask the question “Who is this?"  I suspect that there are many people living today that don’t know the answer to that question either.  I have to say that there was a lot of emotion that came from these people as to what was going on, and now it has run its course things just came to a halt.  I believe that this also can happen to people today as they get excited about learning who the Lord Jesus Christ is and then a short time later the excitement is gone.  Matthew’s gospel has touched on this earlier in a parable that Jesus taught about where the seed landed and how some of the seeds which landed in shallow soil grew fast and died even faster as there was not enough depth of soil, and this looks to me that this was happening to the people in this section of Matthew. 


            MacArthur writes “The people knew but they would not believe, and because they would not believe they ceased to know.  Like their forefathers to whom Isaiah preached, they heard but did not perceive and saw but did not understand, because their hearts were insensitive (Isa. 6:9-10).  They heard Jesus’ message, they attested to His miracles, and they even acknowledged His divinity, but they rejected His saviorhood.  They were totally earthbound, and materialistic and self satisfied.  They were interested only in the kingdoms of this world, not the kingdom of heaven.  They would have accepted Jesus as an earthly king, but they would not have Him as their heavenly King.”


            With that we end this section of Matthew 21:1-11.  I am beginning to prepare to teach through the book of Zechariah in our Sunday school class, as I have not been teaching since some time in February, taking a break from teaching after 19 months of teaching through Hebrews.  In preparing to teach this I can see that what Zechariah wrote some 500 years later came to happen in this section of Matthew 21:1-11.  The Lord save me as I listened to preaching on prophecy and I still have a great love for prophecy, and the book of Zechariah is full of prophecy; some of it has already come to pass.


6/7/2023 9:57 AM



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