Friday, January 8, 2016

PT-2 God Speaks About Sin and Its Consequence (Micah 6:9-16)


My Worship Time                                Focus:  PT-2 God Speaks About Sin and Its Consequence

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Micah 6:9-16

Message of the verses:  “9 The voice of the LORD will call to the city- And it is sound wisdom to fear Your name: "Hear, O tribe. Who has appointed its time? 10 “Is there yet a man in the wicked house, Along with treasures of wickedness And a short measure that is cursed? 11  "Can I justify wicked scales And a bag of deceptive weights? 12 “For the rich men of the city are full of violence, Her residents speak lies, And their tongue is deceitful in their mouth. 13 “So also I will make you sick, striking you down, Desolating you because of your sins. 14 “You will eat, but you will not be satisfied, And your vileness will be in your midst. You will try to remove for safekeeping, But you will not preserve anything, And what you do preserve I will give to the sword. 15 “You will sow but you will not reap. You will tread the olive but will not anoint yourself with oil; And the grapes, but you will not drink wine. 16 “The statutes of Omri And all the works of the house of Ahab are observed; And in their devices you walk. Therefore I will give you up for destruction And your inhabitants for derision, And you will bear the reproach of My people.’”

      We were talking about the merchants being deceitful at the end of our last SD and I said that we will pick up on that subject in this SD.  Dr. Wiersbe writes “Moreover, along with making their own weights and measures and bribing the courts, the rich were openly violent (Micah 6:12; also see 2:2; 3:1-3).  They forcibly evicted people from their houses and lands and left them helpless, without homes or any source of income.  When the poor tried to protect themselves through the courts, the rich merchants lied about the situation and convinced the officials that their actions were right.”

However as we continue to look at these verses we see a principle that is seen in different parts of the Scriptures including Hosea 8:7 and also Galatians 6:7-8 which we will quote here:  “him. 7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”  We have the same problem in our world today as seen in Micah’s day and that is that people do not believe that God is going to act in punishing them for their sins, but just because God does not pay things at the end of the week like most employers do, He will one day pay, and pay exactly what people deserve to be paid for their sins.  Now in verses 13-16 we see that God warned about two different kinds of judgments and the first is seen in verses 13-15, and this judgment was already in progress, a slow and secret, but very thorough.  “Therefore, I have begun to destroy you, to ruin you because of your sins” (v. 13 NIV).  This first judgment was the collapse of their economic system, including their crops as see in verses 14-15. 

The second judgment is found in verse 16:  “him. 7  Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8  For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”  Dr. Wiersbe explains:  “The second judgment would be sudden and open:  the total ruin of the nation by the hand of Babylon.  That Micah should point to Babylon as the aggressor (4:10) is remarkable, because Babylon wasn’t a major power on the international scene at that time.  It was Assyria that everybody feared, and Assyria did ruin the Northern Kingdom in 722 and did do great damage to Judah 701.  But by the time Babylon was finished with Judah and Jerusalem, the nation would be in ruin and the people in derision.  The people’s sins found them out.”

Micah mentions leaders of the Northern Kingdom in verse sixteen and it seems that the Lord was trying to awaken Judah to her coming judgment by what He allowed to happen to the Northern Kingdom, but this did not work, as they eventually actually became worse than the Northern Kingdom. 

1/8/2016 11:45 PM

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