Sunday, April 17, 2016

PT-6 Divine plan for Jerusalem (Zech. 1:15)


My Worship Time                                                              Focus:  PT-6 Divine Plan for Jerusalem

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Zechariah 1:9-17

            Message of the verses:  We have been talking about the world at peace , but it was a peace of indifference, in our last SD.  Israel may want to know and for that matter we as believers may want to know “Why do the unrighteous prosper?”  Another question they may ask is “why is all the world at peace and so indifferent while the Jewish nation suffers humiliation and they are the people of God.  These are two questions that we may want answers for. 

            15 “But I am very angry with the nations who are at ease; for while I was only a little angry, they furthered the disaster’ (Zech. 1:15).  This gives us a clue here.  First of all the peace spoken here is not a peace that brings honor to God, as it is the wrong kind of peace, for it is a peace of injustice, the kind of peace of inhumanity, now there may not be any major wars going on at that time, but there were many people who were not treated good by the governments in charge at that time.  Even the Jewish people were getting aid from the Persian empire to rebuild the temple as seen in the book of Ezra 6:4. 

            Israel today gets aid, a lot of aid from the United States and a few other countries, but they still are surrounded by enemies just as they were during the days of Zechariah.  I have to say that God was and still is angry with the enemies of His people Israel and one day He will set the record straight.  God allowed that nations like Assyria and the Babylonians to bring punishment on His people Israel, but these nations and other nations went too far as seen in this fifteenth verse.  I have mentioned in earlier Spiritual Diaries something that I learned from the 15th chapter of the book of Genesis, the chapter where God confirmed His covenant with Abraham, a covenant that was and still is unconditional.  In that chapter God tells Abraham that after some time he would have many offspring that would come from he and Sara his wife and they would end up in Egypt, which they did.  They would be there for four hundred years and come away with much wealth for they would be treated by the Egyptians wrongly and God would pay Egypt for their sinful treatment of Israel.  God then said that they would come back to the land that Abraham was in at the time God is speaking to him and would destroy the nations that were there then.  He then tells Abraham something very interesting, and that is that the sins of those people living in the Promised land at that time had not run their course, but after 400 years they would have and God would then use Israel to bring punishment on them.  Similarly after Israel and Judah sinned God’s patience ran out and His cup of wrath was full and He had to act, but as stated the nations back then and in times past since the church age began have still treated Israel badly.  Think of Hitler, and Stalin and other nations, nations today that all they want to do is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, but one day God will pay them for their sins of how they have and are still treating Israel.  People think today that God is not in charge, that He has just let the world go in the way they want it to go without any form of responsibility towards a Holy God.  They are wrong, for God has a plan and it is moving on His schedule and one day the church will be ruptured into heaven and the tribulation will begin and according to Ezekiel 38-39 God will destroy a collation of nations who have treated Israel wrongly and at the end of this seven year tribulation Jesus Christ will return to earth and set up His promised Kingdom for 1000 years and will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem.  For those 1000 years it will be the Jewish people with their Messiah who will rule the world.

We will continue looking at more of Zechariah chapter one in our next SD.

4/17/2016 9:00 PM   

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