Wednesday, February 8, 2017

PT-2 Intro to John 17:1


My Worship Time                                                               Focus:  PT-2 Introduction to John 17:1

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  John 17:1

            Message of the verses:  “1  Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You.”

            In this 17th chapter of John we are witnessing a prayer by the Son of God given to the Father and as we look back on the life of Jesus Christ on earth before He was crucified we know that prayer was a very important part of His earthly life and some may be surprised by this, but Christ depended upon prayer while here on earth.  John MacArthur quotes Puritan Thomas Watson who wrote “A godly man cannot live without prayer.  A man cannot live unless he takes his breath, nor can the soul, unless it breathes forth its desires to God.”  MacArthur adds “Prayer expresses the soul’s longing for God (Pss. 42:1-2; 63:1; 143:6); it is the cry (Pss. 34:15, 17; 86:3) of God’s people to their gracious, compassionate (Ex. 34:6, 2; 2 Chon. 30:9; Neh. 9:17; Ps. 103:8) heavenly Father (Matt. 6:6, 9; 7:11).”

            As we look at the Word of God it both commands prayer and it also includes records of the prayers of godly people.  Some of the examples in the Old Testament are Abraham praying for his son Ishmael, and also for Abimelech.  He also prayed for God to spare the people of Sodom.  We see in the longest chapter in the book of Genesis, a chapter about God providing a wife for Isaac that Abraham’s servant asking God for guidance in finding a wife for Isaac, and then praying that Rebekah would come with him.  Isaac prayed for his barren wife Rebekah would have a child.  We could go on to site other examples of people in the Old Testament praying to the Lord, but I would like to add one more prayer which happens to be one of my favorite prayers in the OT because when I heard a sermon on this prayer in Daniel chapter nine the Lord used that sermon to save me.

            Just like in the Old Testament we find many prayers in the New Testament.  It seems that in many of Paul’s letters that he begins them with prayer for the church or person he is writing to and then in the end he asks for prayer on his behalf.  We also see the apostles praying in different situations and of course in this 17th chapter of John we witness our Lord ’s Prayer, which should in fact be called “The Lord’s Prayer,” for in it He is the One praying.

            John MacArthur writes “But the supreme example of prayer in Scripture comes from the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Curtis C. Mitchell writes ‘Beyond doubt the greatest examples of correct prayer practice ever displayed were those demonstrated by Jesus Christ.  So distinct was His prayer life that by simply observing it our Lord’s disciples were motivated to request instructions on the subject (see Luke 11:1)’”

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Prayer is a very important part of my life, but I surely would like to do a better job in praying.  I have been learning things from these latter chapters of John’s gospel and my prayer is that as we study this 17th chapter of John that I will have a teachable heart so that I can learn more about prayer.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust that the Lord will give me a teachable heart.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Rebekah” (Genesis 27:6).

Today’s Bible question:  “What is the middle book of the Old Testament?”

Answer in our next SD.

2/8/2017 10:53 AM   

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