Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Significance of This Prayer

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 2/16/2017 11:12 AM

My Worship Time                                                            Focus:  The Significance of This Prayer

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                            Reference:

            Message of the verses:  As you can see by the fact that there is no verses given for the “reference” part of this section there is no verses to look at.  In the commentary that John MacArthur wrote on this section of John chapter seventeen he has added this section at the end of this chapter on what he has entitled “The Lord’s Prayer,” and so we will look at some of his comments on what the significance of this prayer is.

            We have written about when this prayer was prayed, who prayed it and who it was prayed to, so we can then say that the significance of this prayer and passage is difficult to overstate as all you have to do is look at these things that we have already learned about it.  It is said of this chapter that it is the “Holy of Holies” of the entire Bible.  John MacArthur writes “Here the words of the second member of the Trinity are recorded, as He speaks to His Father about the nature of their communion, about the outworking of their eternal plan of salvation, and about the way in which the disciples and all believers fit into that plan.  In hearing this prayer, the disciples were allowed to listen in on the most holy and profound of conversations.  In reading this prayer, believers today are similarly ushered into the Holy of Holies, where they find their Great High Priest—even in the moments before His death—interceding on their behalf.  Some refer to it as the ‘Holy of Holies of sacred Scripture.’”  As mentioned earlier there are many who believe that this chapter is the Holy of Holies of sacred Scripture.

            John MacArthur quotes F. B. Meyer concerning this prayer: 

            “Its primary characteristic is timelessness.  Though uttered within a few hours of Calvary, it contains thoughts and expressions which much have been familiar to our Lord at any moment during the centuries which have followed.  As we study it, therefore, we are listening to words which have been uttered many times on our behalf, and will be uttered until we are with Him, where He is, beholding the glory of the divine Son, superadded to that of the Perfect Servant.”

            Think about the countless pages, countless sermons, and countless hours of study that people have done concerning this one chapter in the Word of God, and it still goes on today as people desire to understand the truths that are found in this chapter as we have the opportunity to listen to the Son, our Lord and Savior, speak directly to His Father, and so there is no wonder why this chapter is spoken of in terms of being the Holy of Holies of the Bible.

            Many have challenged the notion that what we call “The Lord’s Prayer” which is found in Matthew 6:9-13 and also Luke 11:2-4 should not really be called the Lord’s Prayer because in those verses the Lord was not actually praying where in this 17th chapter of John Jesus is actually praying. 

            MacArthur concludes his comments as follows: 

           “As Jesus prayed this prayer shortly before the cross, He rejoiced, knowing that the redemption that had been predetermined in eternity past was about to find its terminus in time and space.  Jesus understood that the hour had finally come for the fulfillment of what that which God had promised from before time began.  He was ready to face the cross—with triumph and resolve.  The cost would be immense, but the glorious result would be eternal.”

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Jeremiah”

Today’s Bible question:  “What did Jacob make for Joseph?”

Answer in our next SD.

2/16/2017 11:41 AM


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