Monday, September 5, 2022

PT-1 "Intro to Matt. 16:18-20)




My Worship Time                                                         Focus:  PT-1 “Intro to Matthew 16:18-20”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matt. 16:18-20


            Message of the verses:  18 "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. 19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." 20 Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ.”


            These verses are a continuation of what Jesus was saying in response to Peter’s answer to Jesus’ question as to who the disciples think that He is, and I must say that over the next week or so as we look at these verses and the ones that follow we will be looking at some of the more difficult verses in the gospels to understand as there are many different ways that these verses have been interpreted.  I guess what I am saying is fasten your seat belts for this ride may become a bit bumpy to say the least.


            While I was taking my walk yesterday, and much of it was in the rain I listened to two sermons by John MacArthur from verses 18-20 as he explained what he thought these controversial verses mean.


            I don’t think that it will surprise any of those who read this SD to believe that over the years, and especially since technology has exploded in the last fifty or so years that many philosophers have written or spoken on the reason for man’s existence, the purpose and meaning of human life.  Dr. G. N. Clark said the following in his inaugural address as president of Cambridge University “There is no secret and no plan in history to be discovered.”  A French novelist and critic Andre Maurois wrote, “The universe is indifferent.  Who created it?  Why are we here on this puny mud heap spinning in infinite space?  I have not the slightest idea, and I am quite convinced that no one has.”  He is another quote this time from Jean-Paul, the famous existentialist philosopher who maintained that man exists in a watertight compartment as an utterly isolated individual in the midst of a purposeless universe.


            I have spoken about the orgins of man in my SD’s and especially about evolution, and one thing that I think can make clear and that is that all people who believe in evolution always have something to start with in order to show how the universe began.  My question has always been “where did that come from that started the universe?”


            I remember a Pastor friend of mine was talking about 14 years ago about the top ten reasons about how the universe was created and the tenth reason on this chart of what people believe is that of what the Bible has to say about creation.  I have to say that since I have become a believer that I knew that things were about to run down as far as what the Bible talks about will happen in the end times.  Remember that the prophetic Scriptures like the OT book of Daniel, and the NT books of the end of the gospels where Jesus speaks of what will happen in the end times like in Matthew 24-25 and Mark 16 and then in the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and then of course the book of Revelation, especially chapters 6-19 we see how the world will eventually come to an end of its existence.  2 Peter 3:10 tells us how it will all end and then the chapters mentioned earlier here tell of what will happen after the church age when Daniel’s last week of years will come about as that Tribulation period will come about followed by the 1000 year kingdom of Jesus Christ.  It is all there for people to read, but one has to become a believer in Jesus Christ and then will receive the Holy Spirit who will cause believers to understand the Scriptures.  To unbelievers it means really nothing as if they are reading a book in a language that they do not understand. 


            John MacArthur writes “When men see not ultimate and eternal reason for their existence and no accountability to God, they see no reason for anything else, including law, morality or religion.  Their only motive for self-restraint is fear of criticism by their peers or of being caught and punished by civil authorities.  Their ultimate standard is hedonism, the desire to get everything out of life you can, while you can and in whatever way you can.


            “The Bible, however, makes clear that there is divine and eternal value and meaning to human life and that God revealed His high purpose to men.  Despite men’s spiritual darkness caused by the Fall, ‘that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made’ (Rom. 1:19-20).  In the same letter Paul declares that ‘from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.  To Him be the glory forever’ (11:36).


9/5/2022 10:48 AM


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