Tuesday, September 6, 2022

PT-2 "Intro to Matt 16:18-20)




My Worship Time                                                         Focus:  PT-2 “Intro to Matthew 16:18-20”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 16:18-20


            Message of the verses:  18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. 19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." 20 Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ.”


            I want to begin by talking about the fact that God created the universe, and as we see in the book of Genesis that when God created man he was created in God’s image in order to bring glory to the Lord.  Paul writes the following in Colossians 1:16 “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him.”  This is the reason for human existence.  MacArthur adds “And if the ultimate purpose of mankind is to glorify God, it should not seem strange that God is collecting for Himself a redeemed assembly of people who will forever be the praise of His glory (see Eph. 1:6; 3:21).  That is the theme of redemptive history.  Because He is a worthy God and deserving of glory, the Lord has made men who are able to give glory and who will reflect eternally the majesty and splendor of His glorious being.  From out of the rebels who now populate the world, God is calling a redeemed church that will forever be privileged to render Him glory (see Rev. 4:6-11; 5:9-14).  To be a part of that is to fulfill man’s reason for existence.” 


            The Bible teaches us that God is both the Maker and Redeemer of mankind, as Jesus Christ is the supreme and sovereign architect (engineer) of History.  The rest of what we could be called notables of history, whether righteous and godly or wicked and rebellious, are no more than players in the great drama that Christ has written and now directs.  We can say that history is His story. 


            I want to say something about the way that we will continue looking at this section of Scripture, and that is I suppose that when I put down something for the “focus” which I have been calling the “intro” to these verses will not stay that way as we will just be looking at the different verses as we move through them. 


            Right now I want to look at the background of Jesus’ teaching in this present passage. The background was not cynical Greek or Roman philosophy but it was the God-given Jewish religion that had been humanly perverted.  The people that Jesus was speaking to were those who from their earliest years had been taught to anticipate the coming of the Lord’s anointed who is the Messiah, and in the Greek the Christ.  However their expectations, were partly scriptural, were distorted by the traditional interpretations of the rabbis and the scribes over the previous several centuries.  I have mentioned that because of the sin of Judah that the Lord had called the Babylonians to defeat them and take them into Babylon for 70 years.  After the 70 years were over some of them went back to the Promised Land.  While in Babylon there were several books written to help the Jewish people better understand the Old Testament Covenant, and it was during this time that the true Jewish faith was turned into a works type of “religion.”  It was during this time that the teaching about the Messiah who was to come only focused on the political Messiah who would take them out from the “arm” of Rome, therefore when the real Messiah came, Jesus Christ, the majority of them did not believe He was the Messiah, but if they would have just done a better study of their Old Testament they would have found out that first there would come a suffering Messiah in order to pay for their sins, and then if they would have accepted Him the conquering Messiah would have taken care of Rome and would have sat on the throne of David ruling as their Leader.  We know that this did not happen, but we also know that it will happen.  However the disciples of Jesus were still a little bit confused, especially Judas, and so it was difficult for them to understand that Jesus was truly their Messiah, up until this point as we see in these verses. 


I want to say a big thank you to my sister who reads my SD’s each day and will text me of any things that I have not spelled right or something else is wrong with them so that I can correct them.  Happy Birthday to my sister whose birthday is tomorrow and the card I sent will be a bit late.


Thanks for your continued help.


9/6/2022 12:05 PM

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