Friday, June 7, 2024

PT-2 "The Kiss of the Traitor " (Matt. 26:48-50a)




My Worship Time                                                              Focus:  PT-2 “The Kiss of the Traitor”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                            Reference:  Matt. 26:48-50a


            Message of the verses:  48 Now he who was betraying Him gave them a sign, saying, "Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him." 49 Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, "Hail, Rabbi!" and kissed Him. 50 And Jesus said to him, "Friend, do what you have come for.’”


            I mentioned in my last SD that I want to begin this SD by talking about the word “kiss.”  MacArthur writes “Kiss is from phileo, a verb referring to an act of special respect and affection, much as is still displayed today in many Arab cultures and even among some Europeans.  In the ancient Near East such a kiss was a sign of homage.”


            He goes on talking about traditions when it comes to kiss.  “Because of lowly status, a slave would kiss the feet of his master or other notable person, as would an enemy seeking mercy from a monarch.  Ordinary servants would perhaps kiss the back of the hand of the one they greeted, and those above the level of servant would sometimes kiss the palm of the hand.  To kiss the hem of a porous garment was a sign of reverence and devotion.  But an embrace and a kiss on the cheek was a sign of close affection and love, reserved only for those with whom one had a close, intimate relationship.  A kiss and embrace were an accepted mark of affection of a pupil for his teacher, for example, but only if the teacher offered them first.”


            Now as we have learned a bit about the “kissing traditions” of those in this part of the world, when we think about Judas giving a kiss on the cheek of Jesus it could be seen as the most despicable, not because of the act itself but because he perverted it so hypocritically and treacherously, which is certainly what he had done.  It is known that Judas was a debauched person, and so whatever debauched reason he may have had, Judas chose to feign his innocence and affection before Jesus and the disciples to the very end.  Jesus knew Judas as He knows every person, and yet because what Judas did by betraying Jesus with a kiss Jesus let happen in order to fulfill prophecy.  This just shows how much Jesus was in control of this and every situation He was in while walking on earth for the thirty plus years that He lived on planet earth.  Now one thing we have to remember about Judas in this situation we are talking about is that he was filled with Satan, but he was the one who allowed this to happen when he left the upper room, for that was the end of his time with the Lord and he chose to do what he did.  I have to say that Judas was let down by the Lord because Judas wanted Jesus to take over the Romans and bring about His kingdom right then and there, and when this was not going to happen he then decided to betray Him.  Now as I have thought about this action for many years from time to time, I have come to the conclusion that the other eleven disciples of Jesus were looking for the exact same thing that Judas was looking for and they did not desire to betray Him.  Yes they left Him and all ran away, but they did not abandon Him completely and once the resurrection took place and then the church age began they were doing exactly what Jesus had planned for them to do, and that is begin the church through the preaching of Peter on the Day of Pentecost and live a life for the cause of Christ, something that all true believers are to do.

            MacArthur writes:


            “The raucous cries of the crowd to crucify Him must have been painful to Jesus’ ears.  He had taught them, healed them, and offered them the very bread of life, and yet they had turned against Him in contempt and derision.  Even the hated of the chief priests, elders, Pharisees, and Sadducees was painful to Him, because He loved and would have redeemed even those wicked men.  The brutality of the soldiers who would beat Him, spit on Him, and place a crown of thorns on His head was painful to Jesus’ spirit as well as His body.  Even the cowardly indifference of Pilate would wound Jesus’ heart, because He came to forgive and to save even that pagan Gentile.


            “But Judas must have wounded Jesus more grievously than all the others together, because he had been a disciple and friend, an intimate with whom Jesus unreservedly had shared His love, His companionship, and His truth.  It is impossible to imagine what our Lord must have felt when Judas brashly approached Him, and said, ‘Hail, Rabbi!’ and kissed Him.  Yet His grief was not for Himself but for this man who was so engulfed by greed and self-will had he would stoop to betray the dearest Friend he ever had or could have.”


            I want to talk more about how the word “kiss” is used here in the next SD.


Michael Card’s son “A Traitor’s Lood”


How did it feel to take the place
Of honor at the meal
To take the sup from His own hand
A prophecy to seal
Was it because He washed your feet
That you sold Him as a slave
The Son of Man, the Lamb of God
Who'd only come to save

The silver that they paid to you
From out their precious till
Was meant to buy a spotless lamb
A sacrifice to kill
How heavy was the money bag
That couldn't set you free
It became a heavy millstone
As you fell into the sea

Now, Judas, don't you come too close
I fear that I might see
That traitor's look upon your face
Might look too much like me
Cause just like you I've sold the Lord
And often for much less
And like a retched traitor
I betrayed Him with a kiss


6/7/2024 10:12 AM


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