Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Illegal and Unjust Confrontation to Induce Self-Incrimination (Matt. 26:62-64)




My Worship Time  Focus: “The Illegal and Unjust Confrontation to Induce Self-Incrimination”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 26:62-64


            Message of the verses:  62 The high priest stood up and said to Him, "Do You not answer? What is it that these men are testifying against You?" 63 But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest said to Him, "I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God." 64 Jesus said to him, "You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you will see THE SON OF MAN SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, and COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.’”


            I want to begin with what are the motives that are behind this illegal sham trial of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Jesus was truly the Son of God, prophesied to come at the exact time that He came to earth which can be seen in different OT books, including the book of Daniel.  The Jews were not looking for their Messiah to come in the way that Jesus came, but were looking for their Messiah to come and defeat the Roman Empire which most of the world at that time was under.  It is kind of strange to me to think that the next time that Jesus comes to earth that He will fighting against the revived Roman Empire which is headed up by the Antichrist.  The Jews were in a hurry to have this trial over, which they have already known the outcome, which was the death of Christ in order for them to go and celebrate the Passover.  Yes that sounds very strange to me; I guess ironic would be the best word to describe it.  I have mentioned before that all of this that was happening was planned before the world began, and that Jesus was the One who was in charge here and those that are putting Him on trial were actually the ones who were on trial, and the first sentence would happen in about 40 years when Israel will be defeated by the Romans and would go into exile all the way until May 5, 1948 when the Lord would cause the United Nations to give the Promised Land back to Israel as it was on that date that they would become a Nation again, all in the plans of God.  The true Passover Lamb would die in the afternoon of this day as Jesus would die at the exact time that the Passover lambs would be killed.  This was the end of Passover as the Lord’s Table would replace it which Jesus began the night before as He and His disciples celebrated the last Passover and the first Communion service before they went out to the Mount of Olives.


            The Jewish leaders were trying to steer Jesus into self-incrimination as the high priest and the presiding officer therefore said to Him, “Do You make no answer?  What is it that these men are testifying against You?”  At this point we may be able to conclude that Jesus was staring right into the eyes of Caiaphas as Jesus kept silent, adding still more to the high priest’s anxiety.  I have mentioned that the testimonies of the two men talking about Jesus destroy the Temple were inconsistent, which should have been rejected by the court according to the Jewish laws of having a trial.  MacArthur writes “A rebuttal by Jesus not only would have been futile but would have given the false testimony and the entire illegal proceedings the appearance of legitimacy.


            “Jesus stood majestically silent.”  Jesus was certainly innocent and so there was no need of Him saying a word at this time, remember He was in control of this sham trial in order to die for you and for me so that we can have eternal life in heaven with Him.  Jesus, as we saw earlier while in the garden praying to His Father took some time in order to get to the point of Him doing what His Father wanted Him to do, and after He got to that point He was ready to move forward to accomplish what it was that was planned for Him to accomplish from before the earth was made.  This certainly showed the fact that not only was Jesus the second Person of the godhead, but that He was also human too.  100% God and 100% Man! MacArthur writes “It was silence of innocence, the silence of dignity, the silence of integrity, the silence of infinite trust in His heavenly Father.  It was the silence in which the lying words against Him reverberated in the ears of the guilty judges and of the false witnesses they had bribed.  Goaded by that silence, which accentuated the travesty of justice over which he presided, the enraged high priest continued to badger Jesus, saying, ‘I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God.’”


            With that I will stop and Lord willing will finish this section in my next SD.  It was my plans to do this entire section today, but as I have been writing these Spiritual Diaries for a very long time, and began to put them onto my two blog sites I have come to the conclusion that it is better to keep them brief, trying not to pass 1000 words so that the people that the Spirit of God leads to read them will not have to spend too much time in reading them, and it is my desire that the Spirit of God will cause those who read these to first of all realize their need for salvation, repent and come to Christ.  For believers to grow in Christ as Peter states in the last words that he would write in 2 Peter.  For believers to receive revival from the Spirit of God, and for the Spirit of God to send these around the world, which He has certainly been doing, and then there is one more prayer request that I pray most every day after posting these SD’s onto my blogs and that is that if it is the Lord’s will that the very last person that the Holy Spirit gives an effectual call to salvation to which would be the last one to become a believer would do this after reading one of these Spiritual Diaries.  At that time the Lord would come in what is called the rapture of the church to take the bodies of the believes from the beginning of the church age and those who are alive at that time to meet the Lord in the air, then take them to heaven where we would always be with Him.


6/26/2024 10:23 AM

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