Tuesday, June 25, 2024

PT-3 "The Illegal and Unjust Conspiracy to Convict Jesus" (Matt. 26:59-61)




My Worship Time                  Focus:  PT-3 “The Illegal and Unjust conspiracy to Convict Jesus”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 26:59-61


            Message of the verses:59 Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus, so that they might put Him to death. 60 They did not find any, even though many false witnesses came forward. But later on two came forward, 61 and said, "This man stated, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days.’’”


            As I begin this last SD on this topic I want to quote from John 2:19 to look at the actual words that Jesus spoke:  “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” Now His hearers concluded that He was referring to the Jerusalem Temple building that He had just cleansed as seen in verse 20 of John chapter two.  So the two false witnesses not only shared that false assumption but accused Jesus of saying, that not only shared that false assumption but accused Jesus of saying, on the one hand, that He Himself was able to destroy the temple of God, and on the other hand, “I will destroy this temple” (Mark14:58).  Mark notes that “not even in this respect was their testimony consistent” from verse 59.


            MacArthur adds “In addition to the inconsistency of their statements, which itself made the testimonies inadmissible in a legitimate hearing, the two men did not relate the year, month, day, and location of the incident they claimed to have witnessed, as they were required to do by law.”


            When you want someone to be guilty then you do whatever it takes to make him guilty and once again I compare this with the sham trial in New York city that former President went through and although he was not guilty the sham judge ordered the jury to make it to be that he was guilty in order to make him a criminal, even though he was not guilty.  In both cases it was all in the plan of God in order that He will receive glory as He is in control of all things.


            Now one of the things that I have thought of for a very long time off and on, and that is that I know that Jesus was talking about His body which will be destroyed, and then in three days He will rise again, but I am wondering that perhaps Jesus will build the Millennial Temple in three days.  I know that if it is in His plans that He could do this, but I don’t know if it is in His plans.  I guess we will have to wait and see.


            There are all kinds of legal things that the Jews and the Romans did wrong in these trials of Jesus, but in the end it was all in the plan of God for Christ to die, and die at the exact time that the Passover Lambs were to be slain.  Now the truth is that the ones who were ultimately on trial that day were those who stood in judgment of the perfect, sinless Son of God, and that tribunal of sinful, unjust, and hate-filled men will one day stand before the God of heaven in His tribunal and themselves be eternally condemned to the lake of fire.


            God is Just as one of His attributes, and God is patient, but there comes a time when His patience runs out and in the end all those who have not come to Christ asking for forgiveness realizing that they are sinners, and then invites Him into their hearts and then will live for Him will be the ones forgiven. 


6/25/2024 9:20 AM



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