Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Fulfillment of Prophecy (Matt. 26:54)




My Worship Time                                                               Focus:  “The Fulfillment of Prophecy”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  Matthew 26:54


            Message of the verses:  “How then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen this way.”


            When Peter violently opposed Jesus’ arrest, it was also to oppose the fulfillment of God prophesied plan for redemption.  It is according to God’s own Scriptures, Jesus reminded Peter again that “it must happen this way.”  There are three other occasions that Jesus told the disciples that iw was necessary that He suffer, die, and be raised from the dead, (Matt. 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:18-19; cf. 12:40; 17:9, 12).


            MacArthur writes “As David predicted, a close and trusted friend would betray the Messiah (Pss. 41:9; 55:12-14).  Isaiah foretold that He would be ‘despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,…smitten of God, and afflicted…pierces through for our transgressions,…crushed for our iniquities,… {Chastened] for our well being…[that] by His scourging we are healed.’  He would be oppressed, afflicted, and slaughtered like a lamb that does not cry out.  ‘The Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief; if He would render Himself as a guilt offering.’  He ‘will justify the many, as He will bear their iniquities’ (Isa. 53:3-5, 7, 10-11).”


            It was because Peter boasted too loudly, and because he prayed too little, and because he slept to much, and acted too fast, he seemed invariably to miss the point of what Jesus was saying and doing.  So the Lord therefore had to explain to him again that what was now happening was in God’s perfect plan.  “Put the sword into the sheaf,” as “The cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?” (John 18:11).  Then, in the only instance recorded in Scripture of Jesus’ healing a fresh wound, “He touched {Malchus’s] ear and healed him (Luke 22:51).  In a sovereign act of miraculous grace, Jesus undid Peter’s damage.


6/12/2024 10:03 AM

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