Friday, April 24, 2020

Intro to "Happy are the Hungry" (Matt. 5:6)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 4/24/2020 12:37 PM

My Worship Time                                                                Focus:  Intro to Happy are the Hungry

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                       Reference:  Matthew 5:6

            Message of the verse:  6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

            MacArthur begins by writing “This beatitude speaks of strong desire, of driving pursuit, of a passionate force inside the soul.  It has to do with ambition—ambition of the right sort—whose object is to honor, obey, and glorify God by partaking of His righteousness.  This holy ambition is in great contrast to the common ambitions of men to gratify their own lusts, accomplish their own goals, and satisfy their own egos.”

            Let us take a moment and talk about Lucifer, who has most know was the being who is now called Satan.  Lucifer means “star of the morning,” or more literally, “the bright one.”  Lucifer was probably the most glorious being God ever created, that things changed, and they probably changed in a great hurry.  I heard one commentator say that it probably took Lucifer 20 minutes to sin.  We have gone over Isaiah 14:13-14, which speaks about Lucifer’s fall and why it happened before but let us look at those verses:  “13 "But you said in your heart, ’I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. 14 ’I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’”  Notice the “I will’s in this passage, which relate to pride.  Lucifer’s problem was with ambition.

            When we studied the book of Daniel we came across King Nebuchadnezzar who was a man who certainly was full of himself, and God told him not to be so full of himself or else he would have a very big problem.  Chapter four speaks of this and as Nebuchadnezzar was looking over his kingdom he became prideful over what he said that he did and for seven years lived like an animal.  Nebuchadnezzar’s problem was with wanting praise.

            In Luke 12:16-21 Jesus told a parable about a rich farmer whose crops were so abundant that he did not have enough space to store them.  He said he would tear his barns down and build bigger ones and the live like a rich man for the rest of his life, which as Jesus went on to say would be the next day.  God called him a fool.

            MacArthur adds “Lucifer hungered for power, Nebuchadnezzar hungered for praise; and the rich fool hungered for pleasure.  Because they hungered for wrong things and rejected God’s good things, they forfeited both.”

            In this beatitude Jesus declares that the deepest desire of every person ought to be to “hunger and thirst for righteousness.”  What is that exactly?  That is the Spirit-prompted desire that will lead a person to salvation and keep him strong and faithful once he is in the kingdom of God.  MacArthur adds “IT is also the only ambition that, when fulfilled, brings enduring happiness.”  We are surely all looking for happiness.
            Our Declaration of Independence assets that our citizens who live in the United States have the right to the pursuit of happiness, and when written or founding fathers did not presume to guarantee that all who pursue it would find it, because that is beyond the power of any government to provide.  Every citizen can seek whatever kind of happiness he wants in the way he wants it as long as he is not breaking any law.  It is sad that most of our citizens, like most citizens around the world have chose to pursue the wrong kind of happiness, in ways that provide no kind of happiness.

            MacArthur concludes “Jesus says that the way to happiness, the way to being truly blessed, is the way of spiritual hunger and thirst.”

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Sadly to say there have been things that I have sought after that I thought would bring me happiness even after I became a believer, but the truth is that they have not done that.  This must change.

My Steps of Faith for Today: Seek after true happiness, seek to be truly content, be humble and have joy as I study His Word.

4/24/2020 1:12 PM


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