Saturday, April 18, 2020

PT-2 "The Meaning of Meekness" (Matt. 5:5)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 4/18/2020 11:22 AM

My Worship Time                                                      Focus:  PT-2 “The Meaning of Meekness”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 5:5

            Message of the verse:  5 "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

            We begin with a question and that question is what do most fallen men throughout history have done to get into heaven?  Well the answer is that they try and do it on their own, and this is the audience that Jesus was speaking to at this time.  These people were trying to justify their own ways, defend their own rights, and serve their own ends.  Not much difference from people today, in fact no difference.  MacArthur writes “The way of meekness was not their way, and therefore the true kingdom was not their kingdom.  The proud Pharisees wanted a miraculous kingdom, the proud Sadducees wanted a materialistic kingdom, the proud Zealots wanted a military kingdom.  The humble Jesus offered a meek kingdom.”

            Because meekness has always been God’s way for man let us take a look at some examples from the Old Testament and we begin with the book of Job where we are told that God “sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety” Job 5:11).  We learn the following about Moses who was the Jews’ great deliver and law-giver but we read from Numbers 12:3 “(Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.)  Next we look at David and we know that David was the supreme military hero of Israel, but let’s look at Psalm 25:9 “He leads the humble in justice, And He teaches the humble His way.”  David did know gentleness or meekness as we have to believe this because he wrote about it.

            Now as we move to the New Testament we can see that Jesus is being taught about meekness in these beatitudes, and then as we move on in the NT we see that Paul entreated the Ephesians to “1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love,” (Eph. 4:1-2).  Paul told the Colossians in Col. 3:12 “So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”  One more from what Paul wrote to Titus “1 Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed, 2  to malign no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing every consideration for all men” (Titus 3:1-2).

            We are not going to get to the heart of the matter of what meekness is and what it is not.  If I had to come up with a good definition of meekness I would say that “meekness is power under control.”  Meekness does not connote weakness, as in extrabiblical literature it was referred to the breaking of an animal, something I believe we talked about earlier.  Proverbs describes a person with meekness in Pr. 25:28 “Like a city that is broken into and without walls Is a man who has no control over his spirit.”  Pr. 16:32 states “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.”  MacArthur adds “An unbroken colt is useless; medicine that is too strong will harm rather than cure; a wind out of control destroys.  Emotion out of control also destroys, and has no place in God’s kingdom.  Meekness uses its resources appropriately.” 

            We will look more into this subject in our next SD, Lord willing.

4/18/2020 11:50 AM

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