Wednesday, March 6, 2024

PT-3 "The Responsibility we Receive" (Matt. 25:14-15)




My Worship Time                                                Focus:  PT-3 “The Responsibility We Receive”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                         Reference:  Matthew 25:14-15


            Message of the verses:  14 "For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. 15 “To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey.”


            In my last SD I said that I would write about whether or not that the number of talents given to each of the slaves would have any significances in their ability or simply illustrate a wide range of responsibilities, from the very high and demanding to the relatively low and easy.  I don’t think that it is any secret that what Jesus is talking about here is the different gifts that are given to believers in the church in order to cause the church to work in a way that will bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul talks about this in a couple of his letters to different churches.  If memory serves me correct the gifts of the Holy Spirit are seen in Romans 12; 1 Cor. 14; Ephesians 4; and 1 Peter 4.  Now John MacArthur writes the following to help us out in understanding this out:  “It is significant, however, that the responsibilities were given to each according to his own ability.  The owner knew his slaves intimately, and he entrusted each one only with the responsibility he reasonably could be expected to handle.” 


            MacArthur goes on to write “Used in a context such as this, talents always referred to money, but the word itself simply represented a measure of weight.  The value of a specific coin depended on its weight and its composition.  A talent of gold, for example was extremely valuable, a talent of silver less valuable and a talent of copper or bronze much less valuable still.  But as with the number of talents given to each man, the metal content of the coins, and therefore their actual worth is irrelevant to Jesus’ point.  He was emphasizing common accountability for different levels of responsibility based on individual ability.”


            Earlier I mentioned that I believed that this parable can illustrate spiritual gifts given to each believer once they have been born-again into the family of God.  I also mentioned that there was one of these slaves who received talents from the Owner who was not a true believer which illustrates what goes on in the church as it is only the Spirit of God who knows who is a true believer attending local churches.  The truth is that if a person attending a local church is not a true believer then they certainly will not receive a spiritual gift.  I know a man in our church that I attend now who told his story about when he was actually going to Bible school, that the Spirit of God worked in his heart to show him that he was not a true believer, and so at that time he did accept Christ as his Savior and Lord and after that when he got out of school he went on to serve the Lord. 


            One more quote and then I will be done with this Spiritual Diary.  “Because the parable illustrates the kingdom of heaven, the man in the story obviously represents Christ Himself, and the going on a journey represents the time He is away from earth between His first and His second advents.  The slaves depict professed believers, members of the Lord’s visible church whom He has entrusted with various resources to use in His behalf until He returns.”


            I can say that my practice in going over the material that I put on my Spiritual Diaries is to first of all listen to a sermon by John MacArthur, as long as he has a sermon on the topic I am going over on my Spiritual Diaries, and then read through the material from his commentaries, as long as he has material on the subject.  What I wrote at the beginning of this SD in speaking about spiritual gifts seems to agree with what MacArthur wrote in this last paragraph.  I like it when what I write agrees with what he writes, or what Warren Wiersbe writes or other Pastors that I read or listen to writes or speaks.


3/6/2024 9:25 AM

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