Saturday, March 19, 2016

You In Your Time (suplemental to Zephaniah Study)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 3/19/2016 11:03 PM

            I have mentioned in our last SD that we may take a look at several of the things that are found at the end of Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary which seem to be of value to look at considering the wisdom that he always seems to have when it comes to spiritual things.  We will look at a small section and then I will take the time to read over the other things that he writes at the end of his commentary, things that are not usually seen in his writings of the different books of the
Bible that he studies and writes on.  I am not exactly sure of the date when he wrote his commentary on the book of Zephaniah, but when we look at the first quote that will be the main part of this Spiritual Diary we must be aware that this book was written in 1997.


You In Your Time

            “It does us little good to learn about the times of the Minor Prophets if we don’t do something in our own times.

            “Situations vary from nation to nation, but the statistics for my own country aren’t too encouraging.”  The following “statistics come from the Index of Leading Cultural Indicators by William J. Bennett (New York:  Simon and Schuster, 1994).”

·       “ Since 1960, violent crime has increased by 560 percent.

·       The fastest growing segment of the criminal population is children.  Between 1982 and 1991, the arrest rate for juvenile murder increased 93 percent.

·       The average child will watch up to 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence on TV by the time he or she leaves grade school.

·       Eight out of ten Americans can expect to be the victim of violent crime at least once in their lives.

·       Since 1960, teen suicides have more than tripled.  It is now the second leading cause of death among teens.

·       The top problem in high schools are alcohol and drug abuse, pregnancy, sucide, rape, and robbery.

“As go the homes, churches, and schools, so goes the nation.  It’s time to be concerned.

3/19/2016 11:18 PM

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