Sunday, May 15, 2016

PT-1 The Divine Choice (Zech. 3:1)


My Worship Time                                                                              Focus:  The Divine Choice

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference: Zechariah 3:1

            Message of the verse:  “1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him.”

            Zechariah sees another vision and this time he sees Joshua the High Priest, not to be confused with the Joshua who led the children of Israel into the Promised Land.  We also see this Joshua in the book of Haggai too.  I would imagine that may parents named their sons Joshua because of what Joshua did leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land.  This Joshua was the son of Johozadak who was a contemporary of Zerubbable as seen in the book of Haggai.  So we see that Johozadak came back from Babylon with Zerubbable and now his son is Joshua, the High Priest.

            As we look at this verse we see that this Joshua is more than the High Priest, for he represents the nation of Israel.  Now John MacArthur gives four reasons why Joshua represents Israel:  “Reason number one that I believe he refers to Israel is because in the other seven visions they all have a broad bearing on the nation. None of them has a relationship to one man, so that in this situation it is consistent with all the rest that this individual symbolize the nation.  And by the way, a high priest himself, he was totally insignificant.  His only significant comes as he’s identified in this way.

            “Secondly, the high priest is always known as the representative of the people.  When the high priest goes into the Holy of Holies on Yam Kippur, the day atonement and makes atonement, he is acting in behalf of the whole nation.  He is identified as if he were the whole people.  For them he prayed, for them he sacrificed, and what happens to him happens to the nation.  And as we see the vision move along we’ll see this.

            “Third reason is that where it talks about Joshua in verse 1, it immediately switches and talks about Jerusalem in verse 2 and Jerusalem is one of God's favorite titles for His people Israel. He calls them by the name of their city, so that in verse 2 He says O Satan is rebuked, even the Lord rebukes you who has chosen Jerusalem, not chosen Joshua. In fact Joshua just kind of fades away and is identified as Jerusalem in the next verse.

            “And also the key is the fourth reason verse 8, "And hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou and thy fellows who sit before thee, for they are men wondered at." The Hebrew word means they are symbolic; they are symbols. We will see that in a minute. So Joshua and the other priests are symbols. They are symbols of what, of the nation that Joshua represents.

            “Now then here we see in the scene this high priest symbolizing Israel. He is standing before the angel of the Lord, and who is that? It's Christ, second person of the Trinity called, incidentally very wonderful truth here, the angel of the Lord in verse 2 is just called Jehovah, which is wonderful to know that the angel of the Lord was Christ and was none other than God Himself. And incidentally the angel of the Lord is also involved in the act of forgiving sin in verse 4, which means again that He is deity. So then here we see Joshua the high priest representing Israel standing before the angel of the Lord and the angel of Jehovah all through these visions always standing next to Israel because He's deliverer and He's Israel's protector and He is the one who will return as the deliverer out of Zion in Paul's words in Romans 11, to save His people, only then not in the form of the angel of the Lord, but in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ. And so again the people are encouraged because standing by is the angel of the Lord. And remember I told you they hadn't heard a thing about the angel of the Lord for at least two hundred years and now he's back. Our protector is back; our deliverer is back wanting to encourage them.

            We will continue looking at this section in our next SD.

5/15/2016 10:11 PM

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