Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Presentation of the Vision (Zech. 4:1-3)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 5/24/2016 11:39 PM

My Worship Time                                                                        Focus: Presentation of the Vision

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Zechariah 4:1-3

            Message of the verses:  “1 Then the angel who was speaking with me returned and roused me, as a man who is awakened from his sleep.  2 He said to me, "What do you see?" And I said, "I see, and behold, a lampstand all of gold with its bowl on the top of it, and its seven lamps on it with seven spouts belonging to each of the lamps which are on the top of it; 3 also two olive trees by it, one on the right side of the bowl and the other on its left side."”

            Zechariah has not been seeing these visions for a while now and because of the awesomeness of them, because they are supernatural to see he ends up being in a type of semi-coma state as he has become spiritually exhausted which was similar to what happened to Daniel when he saw some of the visions that God had shown him.  The visions that Daniel saw were not one right after another, for he saw visions from when he was younger to when he was older, probably in his eighties.  As human beings not used to seeing things like what Daniel and Zechariah it had to be very hard on them.

            What Zechariah saw could be described as something similar to what the Jews call a menorah, and there is a big one outside the Kinnesit in Israel, where the government is held, or the Parliament meets.  This lampstand has a large bowl on top of it and then it has seven lamps on it with seven spouts that come from these lamps, making a total of 49 pipes in all.  Macarthur writes “So out of this bowl to each of those little lamps comes seven conduits.”

            Verse three speaks of two olive trees that are by this lampstand, one of the Olive trees is on the left side and one on the right side.  What we have pictured is these Olive trees producing a continued supply of oil for the lampstand.  This is different to the ones in the temple as the priest has to light them each day and add oil to them to have light.  However this one in Zechariah’s vision is automatic. 

            MacArthur write some more things about this vision:  “The second distinction is the seven tubes, or the seven conduits, or the seven pipes, and incidentally the Hebrew grammar and the Hebrew construction of the term here indicates that there were 49, seven going to each one. So there would be seven little pipes coming down to each lamp. Now in the Holy Place in the temple and the tabernacle no such pipes existed. And then you have the two olive trees on the right and on the left and flowing out of those is the oil going into the bull and then trickling down. And incidentally there are two great big giant golden tubes coming out of the olive tree. You say, "Where did you get that?" Verse 12, and it says, "I answered again and said unto Him what are the two olive branches which through the two golden conduits or channels or pipes or tubes." So let me reconstruct quickly: two great big olive trees living flowing olive trees. In fact an olive tree can last a long time. They tell us, if you're over there in Israel, that some of the olive trees are still producing oil were there as saplings when Jesus lived. They last a long time. Have you ever seen a little olive wood figure somebody brought back from Israel? It takes 40 years to cure that wood before it can be carved because the oil stays in it so long. It is an oily tree, and so there are these two olive trees, the oil flows down golden channels into this bowl and then into multiples of seven into the lamps.

“Now you say, "What in the world is this trying to show?" Well it's trying to show whatever it is it has no human agency, right? It's strictly automatic. God is producing the life in the tree and out of that the thing is being lit without any human involvement. There are no priests to trim the lamp, there's nobody putting oil in it. It's strictly an operation by God. Keep that in mind. That's the presentation of the vision.”

5/25/2016 12:01 AM



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