Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Vision (Zech. 4:1-3, 11-14)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 5/11/2016 11:09 PM

My Worship Time                                                                                          Focus:  The Vision

Bible Reading & Meditation                                       Reference:  Zechariah 4:1-3, 11-14

            Message of the verses:  “1 Then the angel who was speaking with me returned and roused me, as a man who is awakened from his sleep. 2 He said to me, "What do you see?" And I said, "I see, and behold, a lampstand all of gold with its bowl on the top of it, and its seven lamps on it with seven spouts belonging to each of the lamps which are on the top of it; 3 also two olive trees by it, one on the right side of the bowl and the other on its left side."”  “11 Then I said to him, "What are these two olive trees on the right of the lampstand and on its left?" 12 And I answered the second time and said to him, "What are the two olive branches which are beside the two golden pipes, which empty the golden oil from themselves?" 13 So he answered me, saying, "Do you not know what these are?" And I said, "No, my lord." 14 Then he said, "These are the two anointed ones who are standing by the Lord of the whole earth."”

            Perhaps we better look at the first paragraph from Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary to help us understand what is going on here.  “In the holy place of the tabernacle, in front of the veil and to the left of the altar of incense, stood a golden candlestick with seven branches (Ex. 25:31-40).”  We will not look at the endnote he has after this first sentence:  “In Solomon’s temple, the one large candlestick was replaced with ten smaller ones (1 Kings 7:49; 1 Chron. 28:15).”  “At the end of each branch was a golden lamp, and it was the high priest’s duty each morning and evening to trim the wicks and provide the oil needed to keep the lamp burning (Lev. 24:3).  This candlestick provided light in the holy place so the priests could see to burn the incense on the golden altar each morning and evening (Ex. 30:7-8).”

            What has been explained above was not like what we see in Zechariah’s fourth vision as his vision we see seven branches and also lamps, and the candlestick also had a bowl which was on the top and into this bowl dripped the oil from the Olive trees, kind of like an automatic system with no need for anyone to put oil into the lamps.  Both Dr. Wiersbe and John MacArthur say that this represents Joshua and also Zerubbable as seen in verse 14.  However when we look at verse fourteen we also have to look at Revelation chapter eleven as the two witnesses of that chapter seem to go along with this vision that Zechariah has, so perhaps that could be the greater fulfillment of this vision.  Now also when we look at Zechariah’s vision there would be a total number of forty-nine pipes as there are seven pipes to each lamp and this assured that there would be an ample supply of fuel in order to keep the lamps burning.

            Now the lampstand represented the Messiah as we know that Jesus tells us in John 8:12 that He is the light of the world, the light of life to everyone who trusts Him as their Savior and Lord.  Also the lamp would shine its light on the table in the holy place which revealed the loaves of bread and Jesus also said that He is the bread of life as seen in John 6:33, 45, and 48.

            The tabernacle candlestick also spoke of the nation of Israel for Israel was suppose to be the light to the nations around them, but unfortunately they fell prey to the nations around them, and did not fulfill being the light to the world, but in the future this will happen.  The symbol of the new state of Israel is the menorah, which is this seven branched candlestick.  Now when the remnant came back to Israel the light was not burning to brightly, not bright enough for its leader Zerubbable as he wondered if things would get back in order.

            Dr. Wiersbe concludes this section:  “Believers today must keep in mind that the church is the light in a dark world, and we must depend on the Holy Spirit to enable us to bear witness (Matt. 5:14-16; Phil. 2:14-16).  In Revelation 1-3, local churches are symbolized by individual lampstand, and the purpose of a lampstand is to give light.  If we don’t do what Christ commands us to do, He may take away the lampstand (2:5).”

5/11/2016 11:40 PM   

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