Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Introduction to Zechariah Chapter Twelve

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 10/12/2016 11:14 PM

My Worship Time                                                                  Focus:  Introduction to Zechariah 12

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Zechariah 12

            Message of the verses:  This evening while traveling to our Wednesday evening prayer service I was listening to John MacArthur’s sermon on the 12th chapter of Zechariah which he entitled “Israel’s Final Deliverance.”  At the beginning of this sermon he gives a review of the book of Zechariah, and he also tells his listeners the importance of this book that we have been studying since April of this year.  As mentioned we are on the last leg of this rather lengthy study as we have to go over chapters 12-14 with the aid of MacArthur’s sermons and then we will be finished.  What I want to do in this SD is quote the outline that MacArthur gives in his message and then give a brief outline of what we will be looking at as we once again go through this 12th chapter of Zechariah.

            “Now you'll remember chapter 11 for just a moment. We looked at chapter 11 in the last several weeks and we noted that that chapter deals with the coming of Jesus Christ. And He is pictured here as a shepherd. And you remember that we saw in the first part of the chapter through verse 14 the story of Jesus' first coming. He came as the true shepherd and He was rejected. And then we saw in verses 15 to 17 that after Israel rejected the true shepherd, they would accept the false shepherd. That in the end time would come the one called the foolish shepherd who was Antichrist and Israel would accept him.

“So, basically what we want to remind ourselves of in chapter 11 is that Israel refused Christ at His first coming. They refused the true shepherd and will accept the false one. Now as you move into chapter 12 we find that at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ the very opposite happens and Israel receives the true shepherd. In fact, in verse 10 it says that they shall look on Me whom they've pierced and mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son and be in bitterness for Him as one that is in bitterness for his first born.

“The first time Jesus comes in chapter 11 He's rejected. The second time Jesus comes in chapter 12 He is accepted. And those are the distinguishing elements in these two chapters.

“Now let me give you another note for understanding the sweep of the book. The first eight chapters of Zechariah basically deal with Zechariah's time. They have prophetic implication but basically they deal with Zechariah's time. And then all of a sudden from chapter 9 to 14 you have this sweeping prophetic picture of the end time. So 9 to 14 is really the vast picture of the end time, the closing of redemptive history.

“Now from that section, 9 to 14, there are two parts. Chapters 9 to 11 deal with the first coming of Christ, chapters 12 to 14, the Second Coming. So that will just help you dividing the book. The first part of the book is basically historic. The second part is basically futuristic. And of the futuristic part there are two sections, one dealing with the first coming of Christ--9 to 11--the second dealing with the Second coming--12 to 14. So, as we come to chapter 12 we are coming to the Second Coming of Christ, His return to earth to set up His Kingdom.

“Now particularly, of course, Zechariah's point in chapters 12, 13 and 14 is to to show that when Christ returns, Israel will be converted and the Kingdom will be established...God's promised Kingdom. And that really is the subject of 12, 13 and 14. There's so much prophecy here and it is so loaded that there's no way we can really cover everything. In fact, you could spend the next five years preaching on 12 to 14 and do an entire theological study of all of the doctrines of last things and not really ever leave this section cause they're all touched on right here. Dr. Fineberg in his commentary on Zechariah says, quote: "As a portion of the prophetic Scriptures, it is second to none in importance in this book or in any other Old Testament book. It is indispensable to an understanding of the events of the last days for Israel, the time of the great Tribulation and the establishment of God's Kingdom and His rule."

“The actual events which are presented here include the world confederacy against Jerusalem, the victory of God's people empowered of the Lord, the conviction of Israel nationally by the Spirit of God, the presentation of Christ as their rejected Messiah, the national day of atonement, the cleansing of the hearts of the nation, the purging of the land of idolatry and false prophets, parenthetically the crucifixion of Messiah, the time of Jacob's trouble, the partial success of the nations invading Palestine, the appearance of the Messiah for His people, their rescue, His coming with His saints, the changed and renovated holy land, the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom, the punishment of the nations for their feudal assault on Israel, the celebration of the Kingdom feast, the feast of tabernacles, the complete restoration of the people of God to a holy nation, etc. Now that's a lot of prophetic theme for one little section 12 to 14. But it's all here touched on, a very expressive and vital area of prophecy.

“Now, sixteen times...I'm still giving you some notes so you'll understand the thrust of the chapter...sixteen times in these three chapters, 12, 13 and 14, is the phrase "in that day." Sixteen times it says "in that day." So we know one thing for sure, this whole section is about that day. There's no question about that. And what day? The day of the Lord. The whole picture focuses on the apocalyptic day of the Lord when history resolves into the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ.

“All right, now you've got the picture. Chapters 1 to 8 of Zechariah, basically historic; chapters 9 to 14, futuristic prophecy; chapters 9 to 11 detail the first coming of Christ; chapters 12 to 14 the Second Coming, particularly as it relates to the salvation of Israel and the establishment of the Kingdom. Now, let's look at chapter 12 now that you've got all of that completely understood.

“As we look at this there are four features of Israel's coming deliverance and conversion, four features, four major events: the siege of Israel, the shielding of Israel, the sorrow of Israel and the salvation of Israel. These are dealt with in the twelfth chapter. Beloved, this is exciting material. This is not only exciting to the Jew to hear, and there certainly ought to be some of us pronouncing this and proclaiming it to Jews around the world so that they will know what God has planned for them, but it is exciting to me to know that God is in control of history. Let's look first of all at the siege of Israel in the first three verses.”     10/12/2016 11:25 PM



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