Sunday, October 9, 2016

PT-3 The Final Call to Belief (John 12:35-36)


My Worship Time                                                                 Focus:  PT-3 The Final Call to Belief

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  John 12:35-36

            Message of the verses:  “35 So Jesus said to them, "For a little while longer the Light is among you. Walk while you have the Light, so that darkness will not overtake you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes. 36 “While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light." These things Jesus spoke, and He went away and hid Himself from them.”

            As I was thinking about this section yesterday and also this morning I felt that I could not leave it without going over once again some of the things that we have been learning from these two verses, as I believe that they are important for those of us who are believers, and also for those who read this and are searching for the truth. 

            I have mentioned the fact that during those days before we had the benefit of electricity and automobiles and other transportation with lights on it we could not travel at night and be able to see.  Jesus is saying that as long as there was Light (Jesus is the Light) that those who were listening to Him should understand what He was saying to them, and that was that they needed to embrace the Light, for soon He would be gone and then they would be walking in darkness.

            I remember a man who worked for me when I was working at my main job as a supervisor in a foundry who was telling me after I had explained the gospel to him that when he was in his home town at a church where he also heard the gospel, but left the church to go home but did not make a decision for salvation.  He said that he wanted to return to the church as he was driving off, but he never did.  Now here is the point to what Jesus is talking about here in this verse, a point that we all need to perfectly understand and that is that the Spirit of God will work in a life for some time, and I don’t know how long that will be, but if there is no response then He will stop working in that person’s heart and then that person will turn his back and not be interested in hearing the gospel again. 

            I don’t know if the Spirit of God was done working with my friend since we have both been retired for many years, but He may have been done or not, the point is that if you are having a tender heart knowing that the Spirit of God is working in your heart turn to Him and be saved.

I will close with the lyrics of a song that tells about what we are talking about.

Over The Dead-Line

        By Virginia W. Moyer


        O sinner, the Saviour is calling for thee!

        Long, long has He called thee in vain.

        He call'd thee when joy let its crown to thy days,

        He call'd thee in sorrow and pain.



        O turn while the Saviour in mercy is waiting

        And steer for the Harbour Light!

        For how do you know but your soul may be drifting

        Over the dead-line tonight?


        O sinner, thine ears have been deaf to His voice!

        Thine eyes to His glory been dim.

        The calls of thy Saviour have so wearied thee,

        O what if they should weary Him?


        O sinner, the Spirit is striving with thee.

        What if He should strive never more?

        But leave thee alone in thy darkness to dwell

        In sight of the heavenly shore?


        O sinner God's patience may weary some day

        And leave thy sad soul in the blast!

        By willful resistance you've drifted away -

        Over the dead-line at last.


Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Martha” (Luke 10:38).


Today’s Bible question:  “Which chapter in which book tells of the heroes of the faith.”


Answer in our next SD.


10/9/2016 4:44 PM


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